Exact Match:
- intact
- undamaged in any way; whole; "the vase remained intact despite rough handling"
- not impaired or diminished in any way; "emerged from the trial with his prestige intact"; "the blast left his hearing intact"
- (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken; "she was intact, virginal"
- Platonic,
- abiding,
- abstinent,
- budding,
- callow,
- celibate,
- changeless,
- complete,
- conserved,
- constant,
- continent,
- continuing,
- developed,
- dewy,
- durable,
- enduring,
- entire,
- ever-new,
- evergreen,
- firm,
- firsthand,
- fixed,
- flawless,
- fledgling,
- fresh,
- frozen,
- full,
- full-fledged,
- full-grown,
- full-scale,
- global,
- green,
- growing,
- immature,
- immobile,
- immune,
- immunized,
- immutable,
- imperforate,
- impubic,
- inexperienced,
- ingenuous,
- innocent,
- insured,
- integral,
- inviolate,
- juicy,
- kept,
- lasting,
- maiden,
- maidenly,
- mature,
- matured,
- minor,
- naive,
- neoteric,
- nestling,
- new,
- new-fledged,
- original,
- pathless,
- perfect,
- permanent,
- perpetual,
- persistent,
- pierceless,
- preserved,
- pristine,
- protected,
- quiescent,
- raw,
- remaining,
- rigid,
- ripe,
- ripening,
- safe,
- safe and sound,
- sappy,
- saved,
- secure,
- sempervirent,
- solid,
- sound,
- spared,
- stable,
- static,
- stationary,
- staying,
- steadfast,
- sustained,
- tender,
- together,
- torpid,
- total,
- trackless,
- unabbreviated,
- unadult,
- unaltered,
- unbeaten,
- unblemished,
- unbroken,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- unchecked,
- uncut,
- undamaged,
- undefiled,
- underage,
- undestroyed,
- undeveloped,
- undiminished,
- undivided,
- unexpurgated,
- unfading,
- unfailing,
- unfledged,
- unformed,
- unhandled,
- unharmed,
- unhurt,
- unimpaired,
- uninjured,
- unlicked,
- unmarred,
- unmellowed,
- unperforated,
- unpierced,
- unqualified,
- unreduced,
- unripe,
- unscathed,
- unseasoned,
- unshifting,
- unspoiled,
- unsullied,
- untainted,
- unthreatened,
- untouched,
- untried,
- untrodden,
- unused,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- utter,
- vernal,
- vestal,
- virgin,
- virginal,
- wayless,
- well-conserved,
- whole,
- young