Exact Match:
- inviolable
- must be kept sacred
- incapable of being transgressed or dishonored; "the person of the king is inviolable"; "an inviolable oath"
- awesome,
- awful,
- blessed,
- chaste,
- consecrated,
- dependable,
- divine,
- faithworthy,
- hallowed,
- heavenly,
- holy,
- impenetrable,
- impregnable,
- incontestable,
- incorruptible,
- indomitable,
- ineffable,
- inenarrable,
- inexpressible,
- inexpugnable,
- insuperable,
- invincible,
- inviolate,
- invulnerable,
- irresistible,
- numinous,
- overpowering,
- overwhelming,
- proven,
- pure,
- reliable,
- religious,
- resistless,
- responsible,
- sacred,
- sacrosanct,
- spiritual,
- straight,
- sure,
- tested,
- to be trusted,
- tried,
- tried and true,
- true,
- trustable,
- trustworthy,
- trusty,
- unassailable,
- unbeatable,
- unconquerable,
- unfalse,
- unperfidious,
- unspeakable,
- unsubduable,
- unsurmountable,
- untouchable,
- untreacherous,
- unutterable,
- unyielding,
- venerable