Exact Match:
- joker
- a playing card that is usually printed with a picture of a jester
- an inconspicuous clause in a document or bill that affects its meaning in a way that is not immediately apparent; "when I demanded my money he showed me the joker in the contract"
- a person who enjoys telling or playing jokes
- a person who does something thoughtless or annoying; "some joker is blocking the driveway"
- Adamite,
- Artful Dodger,
- Casanova,
- Don Juan,
- Machiavel,
- Machiavelli,
- Machiavellian,
- ace,
- actor,
- artful dodge,
- artifice,
- astonishment,
- bad boy,
- bag of tricks,
- bamboozler,
- banana,
- bastard,
- befuddler,
- beguiler,
- being,
- best bower,
- bill,
- bird,
- blind,
- block,
- blockade,
- blockbuster,
- blow,
- bluff,
- body,
- bomb,
- bombshell,
- booger,
- bosey,
- bottleneck,
- boundary condition,
- bower,
- buffoon,
- bugger,
- burlesquer,
- calendar,
- card,
- cards,
- caricaturist,
- cat,
- catch,
- catch-22,
- chap,
- character,
- charmer,
- chicanery,
- chouse,
- clause,
- clown,
- clubs,
- comedian,
- comedienne,
- comic,
- companion bills amendment,
- condition,
- cordon,
- counterfeiter,
- creature,
- crux,
- curtain,
- curve,
- curve-ball,
- customer,
- cutup,
- deceiver,
- deck,
- deluder,
- design,
- determent,
- deterrent,
- deuce,
- device,
- devil,
- diamonds,
- difficulty,
- dirty deal,
- dirty trick,
- dissembler,
- dissimulator,
- dodge,
- dodger,
- donnee,
- double-dealer,
- dragnet clause,
- drawback,
- droll,
- duck,
- dummy,
- duper,
- earthling,
- earthshaker,
- elf,
- enacting clause,
- enchanter,
- enfant terrible,
- entrancer,
- epigrammatist,
- escalator clause,
- escape clause,
- escape hatch,
- eye-opener,
- face cards,
- faker,
- farceur,
- fast deal,
- feint,
- feller,
- fellow,
- fetch,
- ficelle,
- fine print,
- flush,
- fooler,
- forger,
- full house,
- funmaker,
- funnyman,
- gag writer,
- gagman,
- gagster,
- gambit,
- gay deceiver,
- gimmick,
- given,
- googly,
- groundling,
- grounds,
- guy,
- hand,
- hang-up,
- hazard,
- head,
- hearts,
- hitch,
- hoaxer,
- hocus-pocus,
- hold-up bill,
- homo,
- hood,
- hoodlum,
- hooligan,
- human,
- human being,
- humorist,
- hurdle,
- hypnotizer,
- imp,
- individual,
- ironist,
- jack,
- jasper,
- jester,
- jilt,
- jilter,
- jokesmith,
- jokester,
- juggle,
- kicker,
- kidder,
- king,
- knave,
- lad,
- lampooner,
- left bower,
- leg-puller,
- life,
- limiting condition,
- little devil,
- little monkey,
- little rascal,
- living soul,
- madcap,
- man,
- mesmerizer,
- minx,
- mischief,
- mischief-maker,
- misleader,
- mortal,
- motion,
- nose,
- objection,
- obligation,
- obstacle,
- obstruction,
- obstructive,
- omnibus bill,
- one,
- one small difficulty,
- pack,
- pair,
- parameter,
- parodist,
- party,
- pass,
- peripeteia,
- person,
- personage,
- personality,
- picture cards,
- pinch,
- pitfall,
- pixie,
- plagiarist,
- plagiarizer,
- playactor,
- playing cards,
- ploy,
- practical joker,
- prankster,
- prerequisite,
- privileged question,
- provision,
- provisions,
- proviso,
- puck,
- punner,
- punster,
- queen,
- question,
- quipster,
- ragger,
- rapscallion,
- rascal,
- reparteeist,
- requisite,
- revelation,
- rider,
- rogue,
- role-player,
- round,
- rowdy,
- royal flush,
- rub,
- rubber,
- ruff,
- ruffian,
- ruse,
- satirist,
- saving clause,
- scamp,
- scapegrace,
- scheme,
- scurvy trick,
- seducer,
- shift,
- shocker,
- sine qua non,
- single,
- singleton,
- sleight,
- sleight of hand,
- sleight-of-hand trick,
- small print,
- snag,
- somebody,
- someone,
- soul,
- spades,
- specification,
- spoofer,
- staggerer,
- startler,
- stipulation,
- straight,
- stratagem,
- string,
- stud,
- stumbling block,
- stumbling stone,
- subterfuge,
- surprisal,
- surprise,
- surprise ending,
- surprise package,
- surprise party,
- switch,
- tease,
- teaser,
- tellurian,
- terms,
- terran,
- thunderbolt,
- thunderclap,
- trap,
- trey,
- trick,
- trickster,
- trump,
- twist,
- ultimatum,
- wag,
- wagwit,
- whereas,
- wile,
- wisecracker,
- wit,
- witling,
- worldling,
- zany