Exact Match:
- junction
- an act of joining or adjoining things
- the place where two or more things come together
- something that joins or connects
- the state of being joined together
- Anschluss,
- L,
- abutment,
- abuttal,
- access,
- accession,
- accompaniment,
- accord,
- accordance,
- accretion,
- addition,
- adherence,
- adhesion,
- adjacency,
- adjoiningness,
- adjunct,
- adjunction,
- affairs,
- affiliation,
- affinity,
- affixation,
- agglomeration,
- agglutination,
- aggregation,
- agreement,
- aisle,
- alley,
- alliance,
- amalgamation,
- ambulatory,
- annexation,
- aperture,
- apposition,
- approximation,
- appulse,
- arcade,
- artery,
- articulation,
- assemblage,
- assembly,
- assimilation,
- association,
- attachment,
- augmentation,
- avenue,
- blend,
- blending,
- bond,
- bracketing,
- branch,
- building,
- buildup,
- cabal,
- cable railway,
- cahoots,
- call-up,
- canvass,
- cartel,
- census,
- centralization,
- channel,
- cling,
- clinging,
- cloister,
- closeness,
- clotting,
- clustering,
- co-working,
- coaction,
- coagulation,
- coalescence,
- coalition,
- cog railway,
- coherence,
- cohesion,
- cohesiveness,
- coincidence,
- collaboration,
- collection,
- collectivity,
- colligation,
- collocation,
- collusion,
- colonnade,
- combination,
- combine,
- combined effort,
- combo,
- communication,
- compaction,
- comparison,
- composition,
- compound,
- concatenation,
- concert,
- concerted action,
- concomitance,
- concordance,
- concourse,
- concretion,
- concurrence,
- condensation,
- conduit,
- confederacy,
- confederation,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- congealment,
- congelation,
- congeries,
- conglobation,
- conglomeration,
- congregation,
- conjoining,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- connectedness,
- connection,
- consilience,
- consolidation,
- conspiracy,
- constitution,
- construction,
- conterminousness,
- contiguity,
- contrariety,
- convergence,
- cooperation,
- copulation,
- corralling,
- correspondence,
- corridor,
- coterminousness,
- coupling,
- covered way,
- crossroads,
- data-gathering,
- dealings,
- deduction,
- defile,
- disjunction,
- ecumenism,
- el,
- electric railway,
- elevated,
- elevated railway,
- embankment,
- embodiment,
- encompassment,
- enosis,
- exit,
- fabrication,
- fashioning,
- federalization,
- federation,
- feeder,
- feeder line,
- ferry,
- filiation,
- ford,
- formation,
- fusion,
- gallery,
- gathering,
- getup,
- gravity-operated railway,
- homology,
- hookup,
- horse railway,
- inclusion,
- incorporation,
- increase,
- ingathering,
- inlet,
- inseparability,
- integration,
- interchange,
- intercommunication,
- intercourse,
- interlinking,
- intersection,
- intimacy,
- inventory,
- joinder,
- joining,
- jointure,
- junction,
- juncture,
- junta,
- juxtaposition,
- knotting,
- lane,
- league,
- liaison,
- light railroad,
- line,
- link,
- linkage,
- linking,
- main line,
- make,
- makeup,
- marriage,
- meeting,
- meld,
- melding,
- merger,
- merging,
- metro,
- mixture,
- mobilization,
- monorail,
- muster,
- mutual attraction,
- nearness,
- opening,
- organization,
- outlet,
- overpass,
- package,
- package deal,
- pairing,
- parasitism,
- pass,
- passage,
- passageway,
- perigee,
- perihelion,
- piecing together,
- portico,
- prefixation,
- propinquity,
- proximity,
- putting together,
- rack railway,
- rack-and-pinion railway,
- rail,
- rail line,
- railroad,
- railroad tunnel,
- railway,
- rapport,
- reinforcement,
- relatedness,
- relation,
- relations,
- relationship,
- roadbed,
- roadway,
- rodeo,
- roundup,
- saprophytism,
- seam,
- set,
- setup,
- shaping,
- sidetrack,
- siding,
- similarity,
- simultaneity,
- solidification,
- splice,
- sticking,
- street railway,
- streetcar line,
- structure,
- structuring,
- subway,
- suffixation,
- superaddition,
- superfetation,
- superjunction,
- superposition,
- supplementation,
- survey,
- switchback,
- symbiosis,
- sympathy,
- synchronism,
- syncretism,
- syndication,
- syneresis,
- synergy,
- synthesis,
- syzygy,
- terminal,
- terminus,
- tie,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- track,
- traject,
- trajet,
- tram,
- tramline,
- trestle,
- trolley line,
- trunk,
- trunk line,
- tube,
- tunnel,
- turnout,
- underground,
- underpass,
- unification,
- union,
- united action,
- uniting,
- wedding,
- yoking