(usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project"
having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity; "able to learn"; "human beings are able to walk on two feet"; "Superman is able to leap tall buildings"
have the skills and qualifications to do things well; "able teachers"; "a capable administrator"; "children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable"
having a strong healthy body; "an able seaman"; "every able-bodied young man served in the army"
full of light; shining intensely; "a brilliant star"; "brilliant chandeliers"
characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony"
of surpassing excellence; "a brilliant performance"; "a superb actor"
highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace); "our blessed land"; "the blessed assurance of a steady income"
having good fortune bestowed or conferred upon; sometimes used as in combination; "blessed with a strong healthy body"; "a nation blessed with peace"; "a peace-blessed era"
characterized by happiness and good fortune; "a blessed time"
green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass
an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course; "the ball rolled across the green and into the trap"
a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River
an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party
United States labor leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952 and who led the struggle with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1873-1952)
of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass; "a green tree"; "green fields"; "green paint"
not fully developed or mature; not ripe; "unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood"
looking pale and unhealthy; "you're looking green"; "green around the gills"
concerned with or supporting or in conformity with the political principles of the Green Party
marked by active interest and enthusiasm; "an avid sports fan"; "a great walker"; "an eager beaver"
(often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous; "avid for adventure"; "an avid ambition to succeed"; "fierce devouring affection"; "the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity"; "greedy for fame"
marked by excited activity; "a hot week on the stock market"
charged or energized with electricity; "a hot wire"; "a live wire"
having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity; "hot fuel rods"; "a hot laboratory"
of a seeker; very near to the object sought; "you are hot"
having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm; "hot for travel"
newly made; "a hot scent"
very good; often used in the negative; "he's hot at math but not so hot at history"
used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning; "hot stove"; "hot water"; "a hot August day"; "a hot stuffy room"; "she's hot and tired"; "a hot forehead"
extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm; "a hot temper"; "a hot topic"; "a hot new book"; "a hot love affair"; "a hot argument"
recently stolen or smuggled; "hot merchandise"; "a hot car"
having or bringing unusually good luck; "hot at craps"; "the dice are hot tonight"
newest or most recent; "news hot off the press"; "red-hot information"
very unpleasant or even dangerous; "make it hot for him"; "in the hot seat"; "in hot water"
very popular or successful; "one of the hot young talents"; "cabbage patch dolls were hot last season"
sexually excited or exciting; "was hot for her"; "hot pants"
performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy; "a hot drummer"; "he's hot tonight"
being very spicy; "hot salsa"; "jalapeno peppers are very hot"
characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense; "the fighting became hot and heavy"; "a hot engagement"; "a raging battle"; "the river became a raging torrent"
marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects; "an enterprising foreign policy"; "an enterprising young man likely to go far"
affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason; "a frenzied attack"; "a frenzied mob"; "the prosecutor's frenzied denunciation of the accused"- H.W.Carter; "outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity"