a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice"
the occupants of a building; "the entire building complained about the noise"
tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil)
lake used to store water for community use
anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies; "an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival"
a large or extra supply of something; "a reservoir of talent"
any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets
an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"
something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"
a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid; "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"; "the body lay in a pool of blood"
the combined stakes of the betters
any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"
(law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time; "what's his legal residence?"