Exact Match:
- liberated
- (of a gas e.g.) released from chemical combination
- afoot and lighthearted,
- at large,
- at liberty,
- clear,
- delivered,
- detached,
- disengaged,
- easygoing,
- emancipated,
- extricated,
- footloose,
- footloose and fancy-free,
- free,
- free and easy,
- free as air,
- freeborn,
- freed,
- go-as-you-please,
- in the clear,
- loose,
- on parole,
- on the loose,
- redeemed,
- released,
- rescued,
- scot-free,
- unattached,
- unbound,
- uncommitted,
- unengaged,
- uninvolved,
- unshackled,
- untied