Exact Match:
- lock
- any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured
- a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed
- a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key
- enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
- a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun
- a strand or cluster of hair
- become rigid or immoveable; "The therapist noticed that the patient's knees tended to lock in this exercise"
- fasten with a lock; "lock the bike to the fence"
- hold in a locking position; "He locked his hands around her neck"
- build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels
- hold fast (in a certain state); "He was locked in a laughing fit"
- pass by means through a lock in a waterway
- aboideau,
- accord,
- agree,
- air lock,
- answer to,
- articulate,
- assent,
- assort with,
- authority,
- bang,
- bar,
- barricade,
- barrier,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be consistent,
- be of one,
- be uniform with,
- bear hug,
- bind,
- block,
- block up,
- blockade,
- bolt,
- buckle,
- butt,
- button,
- button up,
- cage,
- catch,
- cessation,
- check,
- chime,
- chock,
- choke,
- choke off,
- clap,
- clasp,
- cleat,
- clip,
- close,
- close off,
- close out,
- close tight,
- close up,
- clutch,
- cohere,
- coincide,
- command,
- commit,
- concur,
- confine,
- conform,
- conform with,
- consist with,
- constrain,
- constrict,
- contain,
- contract,
- control,
- coop up,
- cooperate,
- correspond,
- cover,
- crimp,
- crowd,
- curl,
- dead set,
- dead stand,
- dead stop,
- deadlock,
- debar,
- detain,
- dock gate,
- dog,
- dovetail,
- dying down,
- ebb,
- ebbing,
- engage,
- entangle,
- entwine,
- exclude,
- fall in together,
- fasten,
- fit together,
- fix,
- fix on,
- fix upon,
- flood-hatch,
- floodgate,
- fold,
- fold up,
- follow,
- frizz,
- frizzle,
- full nelson,
- full stop,
- gate,
- go together,
- go with,
- grapple,
- grasp,
- half nelson,
- halt,
- hang together,
- harmonize,
- hasp,
- head gate,
- hinge,
- hit,
- hitch,
- hold,
- hold together,
- hook,
- implant,
- impound,
- imprison,
- incarcerate,
- interlock,
- intersect,
- jam,
- jibe,
- join,
- joint,
- keep out,
- keep track of,
- key,
- latch,
- lock gate,
- lock in,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- match,
- miter,
- mortise,
- nail,
- oblige,
- obstruct,
- occlude,
- overlap,
- pack,
- padlock,
- parallel,
- peg,
- penstock,
- pin,
- plant,
- plumb,
- ponytail,
- power,
- pursue,
- quarter nelson,
- rabbet,
- register,
- register with,
- respond to,
- restrain,
- restrict,
- retain,
- ringlet,
- rivet,
- scarf,
- scissors,
- screw,
- seal,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- secure,
- sew,
- shut,
- shut off,
- shut out,
- shut the door,
- shut tight,
- shut up,
- sing in chorus,
- skewer,
- slam,
- sluice,
- sluice gate,
- snap,
- sort with,
- square,
- square with,
- squeeze,
- squeeze shut,
- stabilize,
- stand,
- stand together,
- standstill,
- staple,
- stick,
- stifle,
- stillstand,
- stitch,
- stop,
- stop up,
- strangle,
- stranglehold,
- strangulate,
- subsidence,
- suffocate,
- supervision,
- sway,
- tack,
- tally,
- tide gate,
- toehold,
- toggle,
- track,
- tress,
- wane,
- waning,
- water gate,
- wedge,
- weir,
- zip up,
- zipper