Exact Match:
- lockout
- a management action resisting employee's demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms
- arrest,
- ban,
- bar,
- barring,
- bell,
- blockade,
- boycott,
- boycottage,
- check,
- checkmate,
- circumscription,
- cutoff,
- dead stop,
- deadlock,
- debarment,
- debarring,
- demarcation,
- embargo,
- end,
- endgame,
- ending,
- exception,
- exclusion,
- final whistle,
- full stop,
- grinding halt,
- gun,
- halt,
- inadmissibility,
- injunction,
- job action,
- narrowing,
- nonadmission,
- omission,
- outlaw strike,
- preclusion,
- prohibition,
- rejection,
- relegation,
- repudiation,
- restriction,
- revolt,
- rulebook slowdown,
- sick-in,
- sit-down,
- sit-down strike,
- slowdown,
- stalemate,
- stand,
- standoff,
- standstill,
- stay,
- stop,
- stoppage,
- strike,
- sympathy strike,
- taboo,
- tie-up,
- turnout,
- walkout,
- wildcat strike,
- work stoppage