Exact Match:
- low
- a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low"
- British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963)
- an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"
- literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
- less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
- used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency
- very low in volume; "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf"
- unrefined in character; "low comedy"
- in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
- Doric,
- Hydromatic,
- a la sourdine,
- abject,
- abominable,
- accented,
- against,
- ailing,
- air mass,
- alveolar,
- anticyclone,
- apical,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- arrant,
- articulated,
- asking price,
- assimilated,
- atrocious,
- automatic transmission,
- back,
- bad,
- barbaric,
- barbarous,
- barely audible,
- baritone,
- bark,
- barytone,
- base,
- base-minded,
- baseborn,
- bass,
- bawl,
- bay,
- bearish prices,
- beggared,
- beggarly,
- bell,
- bellow,
- below the salt,
- bid price,
- bilabial,
- black,
- blamable,
- blameworthy,
- blare,
- blat,
- blate,
- bleat,
- book value,
- boom,
- bottoming out,
- bowed-down,
- bray,
- brief,
- broad,
- broke,
- budget,
- bullish prices,
- business cycle,
- business fluctuations,
- bust,
- cacophonous,
- cacuminal,
- call,
- call price,
- cast down,
- caterwaul,
- central,
- cerebral,
- cheap,
- checked,
- cheesy,
- close,
- closing price,
- clumsy,
- coarse,
- cockney,
- cogwheel,
- cold front,
- cold sector,
- common,
- commonplace,
- compact,
- compendious,
- con,
- concise,
- consonant,
- consonantal,
- contemptible,
- continuant,
- contralto,
- cooling off,
- couchant,
- crass,
- criminal,
- crisis,
- crouched,
- crude,
- crummy,
- cry,
- cursory,
- curt,
- curtal,
- curtate,
- cyclone,
- damnable,
- dark,
- dashed,
- debased,
- decline,
- decrescendo,
- decurtate,
- deep,
- deep-echoing,
- deep-pitched,
- deep-toned,
- deepmouthed,
- degraded,
- dejected,
- demeaning,
- dental,
- depraved,
- depressed,
- depression,
- depthless,
- despaired of,
- despairing,
- despicable,
- despondent,
- desponding,
- destitute,
- differential,
- differential gear,
- dim,
- dimly,
- dirty,
- disadvantaged,
- disappointed,
- disapprobatory,
- disapproving,
- discontented,
- discouraged,
- disenchanted,
- disgraceful,
- disgruntled,
- disgusting,
- disheartened,
- disillusioned,
- dispirited,
- displeased,
- dissatisfied,
- dissenting,
- dissimilated,
- distant,
- doggerel,
- done for,
- donsie,
- dorsal,
- down,
- downcast,
- downhearted,
- downthrown,
- downturn,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- dying,
- dysphemistic,
- earthy,
- easy,
- economic,
- economic cycle,
- economic expansion,
- economic growth,
- economy,
- evil,
- execrable,
- expanding economy,
- expansion,
- expiring,
- face value,
- facing death,
- faint,
- faintly,
- fallen,
- feeble,
- feebly,
- feeling low,
- few,
- fixed price,
- flagitious,
- flagrant,
- flash price,
- flat,
- flurry,
- flutter,
- footling,
- foul,
- frank,
- freewheel,
- front,
- frugal,
- fulsome,
- gear,
- gear train,
- gearbox,
- gearing,
- gearshift,
- gearwheel,
- gentle,
- gently,
- give tongue,
- give voice,
- given up,
- glide,
- glossal,
- glottal,
- going,
- graceless,
- grave,
- gross,
- growth,
- gutter,
- guttural,
- half-heard,
- hard,
- harsh,
- heartless,
- heavy,
- heinous,
- high,
- high growth rate,
- high-pressure area,
- hollow,
- homely,
- hopeless,
- howl,
- humble,
- humble-looking,
- humble-visaged,
- humblest,
- hushedly,
- hypochondriac,
- hypochondriacal,
- ignoble,
- impoverished,
- improper,
- impure,
- in articulo mortis,
- in bad taste,
- in extremis,
- in low spirits,
- in the depths,
- in the doldrums,
- in the dumps,
- in the shade,
- incapable of life,
- inconcinnate,
- inconcinnous,
- inconsequential,
- inconsiderable,
- incorrect,
- indecorous,
- indigent,
- indignant,
- indisposed,
- indistinct,
- inelegant,
- inexpensive,
- infamous,
- infelicitous,
- inferior,
- infra dig,
- inglorious,
- iniquitous,
- innocuous,
- insignificant,
- instantaneous,
- intermediate,
- intonated,
- isobar,
- isometric,
- isometric line,
- isopiestic line,
- isotherm,
- isothermal line,
- issue par,
- issue price,
- junior,
- knavish,
- knee-high,
- knocked flat,
- labial,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- laid low,
- languishing,
- lateral,
- lax,
- least,
- less,
- lesser,
- light,
- lingual,
- liquid,
- little,
- low-built,
- low-down,
- low-hung,
- low-level,
- low-leveled,
- low-lying,
- low-minded,
- low-pitched,
- low-pressure area,
- low-priced,
- low-set,
- low-spirited,
- low-statured,
- lowborn,
- lowbred,
- lower,
- lowered,
- lowest,
- lowliest,
- lowly,
- lumpen,
- manageable,
- mangy,
- market expansion,
- market price,
- market value,
- meager,
- mean,
- measly,
- meow,
- mew,
- mewl,
- miaow,
- mid,
- miniature,
- minor,
- miserable,
- moderate,
- modest,
- monophthongal,
- monstrous,
- moo,
- moribund,
- murmured,
- muted,
- narrow,
- nasal,
- nasalized,
- naughty,
- neap,
- near death,
- needy,
- nefarious,
- negligible,
- neigh,
- nether,
- neutral,
- nicker,
- no great shakes,
- nominal,
- nominal value,
- nonclerical,
- nonviable,
- obnoxious,
- occluded front,
- occlusive,
- odious,
- offering price,
- open,
- opening price,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- ordinary,
- outlandish,
- overdrive,
- oxytone,
- palatal,
- palatalized,
- paltry,
- par,
- par value,
- parity,
- peak,
- peaking,
- peccant,
- penurious,
- pessimistic,
- petty,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealized,
- phonemic,
- phonetic,
- phonic,
- pianissimo,
- piano,
- picayune,
- picayunish,
- pining,
- pitch,
- pitched,
- plain,
- plebeian,
- poky,
- polar front,
- poor,
- posttonic,
- price,
- prone,
- prosperity,
- prostrate,
- pule,
- put price,
- quotation,
- quoted price,
- rack,
- rally,
- rank,
- raw,
- reasonable,
- recession,
- recovery,
- recumbent,
- reduced,
- reprehensible,
- reprobate,
- reptilian,
- retroflex,
- reverse,
- roar,
- rough,
- rounded,
- rude,
- runty,
- scabby,
- scandalous,
- scarcely heard,
- screak,
- scream,
- screech,
- scrubby,
- scruffy,
- scummy,
- scurvy,
- second rank,
- second string,
- secondary,
- semivowel,
- sensible,
- sepulchral,
- servile,
- settling price,
- shabby,
- shabby-genteel,
- shallow,
- shameful,
- shoddy,
- short,
- short and sweet,
- simple,
- sinful,
- sinking,
- skin-deep,
- slashed,
- slipping,
- slipping away,
- slowdown,
- slump,
- small,
- soft,
- soft-sounding,
- soft-voiced,
- softly,
- sonant,
- sordamente,
- sordid,
- sordo,
- sorry,
- spiritless,
- squalid,
- squall,
- squall line,
- squat,
- squatty,
- squeak,
- squeal,
- standard transmission,
- stated value,
- stationary front,
- stick shift,
- stooped,
- stopped,
- stressed,
- strong,
- stumpy,
- sub,
- subaltern,
- subaudible,
- subdued,
- subduedly,
- subjacent,
- subject,
- submerged,
- subordinate,
- subservient,
- succinct,
- suicidal,
- summary,
- sunk,
- sunken,
- superficial,
- supine,
- surd,
- swings,
- syllabic,
- synchromesh,
- synoptic,
- tasteless,
- teachable,
- tense,
- terminal,
- thick,
- third rank,
- third string,
- third-estate,
- throaty,
- tiny,
- token,
- tonal,
- tonic,
- transient,
- transmission,
- trifling,
- trivial,
- troat,
- turned-off,
- twangy,
- ululate,
- unaccented,
- unappreciative,
- unapproving,
- unclear,
- uncomplimentary,
- uncourtly,
- uncouth,
- under,
- underprivileged,
- undignified,
- undistinguished,
- unelevated,
- uneuphonious,
- unexpensive,
- unfavorable,
- unfelicitous,
- unforgivable,
- ungenteel,
- ungraceful,
- unhappy,
- unimportant,
- unmentionable,
- unpardonable,
- unpolished,
- unpretentious,
- unrefined,
- unrounded,
- unseemly,
- unspeakable,
- unstressed,
- unwashed,
- unworthy,
- upturn,
- velar,
- vicious,
- vile,
- villainous,
- vocalic,
- vocoid,
- voiced,
- voiceless,
- vowel,
- vowellike,
- vulgar,
- wail,
- warm front,
- weak,
- weak-voiced,
- weakly,
- weary of life,
- weather map,
- whicker,
- whine,
- whinny,
- whispered,
- wicked,
- wide,
- wind-shift line,
- within means,
- woebegone,
- woeful,
- world-weary,
- worth the money,
- wretched,
- wrong,
- yap,
- yawl,
- yawp,
- yelp,
- yip,
- yowl