Exact Match:
- lust
- self-indulgent sexual desire (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- acedia,
- ache,
- ache for,
- acquisitiveness,
- ambition,
- andromania,
- anger,
- animality,
- animus,
- aphrodisia,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- appetition,
- avarice,
- avariciousness,
- avaritia,
- avidity,
- avidness,
- bawdiness,
- biological urge,
- bodily appetite,
- carnal desire,
- carnality,
- choice,
- clitoromania,
- command,
- conation,
- conatus,
- concupiscence,
- coveting,
- covetousness,
- crave,
- craving,
- cupidity,
- deadly sin,
- decision,
- desire,
- determination,
- dirtiness,
- discretion,
- disposition,
- drive,
- energy,
- envy,
- eromania,
- eroticism,
- eroticomania,
- eroticomaniac,
- erotism,
- erotomania,
- excitement,
- fancy,
- fervor,
- fleshliness,
- fleshly lust,
- free choice,
- free will,
- frenzy of desire,
- furor uterinus,
- fury of desire,
- gluttony,
- goatishness,
- grasping,
- graspingness,
- greed,
- greediness,
- gula,
- gynecomania,
- hanker,
- heat,
- hoggishness,
- horniness,
- hot blood,
- hot pants,
- hunger,
- hysteromania,
- inclination,
- incontinence,
- indecency,
- infantile sexuality,
- inordinate desire,
- insatiability,
- insatiable desire,
- intemperateness,
- intention,
- invidia,
- ira,
- itch,
- itching palm,
- lasciviousness,
- lecherousness,
- lechery,
- lewdness,
- libidinousness,
- libido,
- lickerishness,
- liking,
- lubriciousness,
- lubricity,
- lust after,
- lustfulness,
- luxuria,
- mind,
- nymphomania,
- objective,
- obscenity,
- overgreediness,
- passion,
- piggishness,
- pine,
- pleasure,
- polymorphous perversity,
- priapism,
- pride,
- prurience,
- pruriency,
- randiness,
- rapaciousness,
- rapacity,
- ravenousness,
- resolution,
- rut,
- salaciousness,
- salacity,
- satyriasis,
- satyrism,
- sensuality,
- sexiness,
- sexual desire,
- sexual longing,
- sexual passion,
- sexuality,
- sloth,
- sordidness,
- superbia,
- swinishness,
- thirst,
- urge,
- uteromania,
- velleity,
- venereal appetite,
- volition,
- voraciousness,
- voracity,
- will,
- will power,
- wish,
- wolfishness,
- wrath,
- yearn,
- yearning,
- yen