- account for,
- affect,
- allegorize,
- betoken,
- brandish,
- breathe,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring into view,
- bring out,
- bring to notice,
- clarify,
- clear up,
- crack,
- dangle,
- decipher,
- demonstrate,
- demythologize,
- develop,
- disclose,
- display,
- divulge,
- dramatize,
- elucidate,
- embody,
- enact,
- enlighten,
- euhemerize,
- evidence,
- evince,
- exemplify,
- exhibit,
- explain,
- explain away,
- explicate,
- expose to view,
- exposit,
- expound,
- express,
- flaunt,
- flourish,
- give reason for,
- give sign,
- give the meaning,
- give token,
- highlight,
- illuminate,
- illustrate,
- incarnate,
- indicate,
- make clear,
- manifest,
- materialize,
- mean,
- parade,
- perform,
- popularize,
- present,
- produce,
- rationalize,
- represent,
- reveal,
- roll out,
- set forth,
- shed light upon,
- show,
- show forth,
- show how,
- show the way,
- simplify,
- solve,
- spell out,
- spotlight,
- throw light upon,
- token,
- trot out,
- unfold,
- unlock,
- unravel,
- wave