Exact Match:
- mammon
- (New Testament) a personification of wealth and avarice as an evil spirit; "ye cannot serve God and Mammon"
- wealth regarded as an evil influence
- affluence,
- and pence,
- assets,
- bottomless purse,
- bulging purse,
- cash,
- circulating medium,
- coinage,
- coined liberty,
- cold cash,
- currency,
- dollars,
- easy circumstances,
- embarras de richesses,
- emergency money,
- filthy lucre,
- fortune,
- fractional currency,
- gold,
- handsome fortune,
- hard cash,
- hard currency,
- high income,
- high tax bracket,
- independence,
- legal tender,
- lucre,
- luxuriousness,
- managed currency,
- material wealth,
- medium of exchange,
- mintage,
- money,
- money to burn,
- moneybags,
- necessity money,
- opulence,
- opulency,
- pelf,
- possessions,
- postage currency,
- postal currency,
- pounds,
- property,
- prosperity,
- prosperousness,
- riches,
- richness,
- scrip,
- shillings,
- silver,
- six-figure income,
- soft currency,
- specie,
- sterling,
- substance,
- the almighty dollar,
- the wherewith,
- the wherewithal,
- treasure,
- upper bracket,
- wealth,
- wealthiness