Exact Match:
- mantle
- (zoology) a protective layer of epidermis in mollusks or brachiopods that secretes a substance forming the shell
- the cloak as a symbol of authority; "place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders"
- the layer of the earth between the crust and the core
- United States baseball player (1931-1997)
- cover like a mantle; "The ivy mantles the building"
- spread over a surface, like a mantle
- aerate,
- apply to,
- arachnoid,
- arbor vitae,
- archipallium,
- armory,
- badge,
- badge of office,
- badges,
- baton,
- beat,
- between brain,
- blanch,
- blanket,
- blazonry,
- block,
- blush,
- bonnet,
- boot,
- brain stem,
- brassard,
- breech,
- button,
- caduceus,
- canopy,
- cap,
- cap and gown,
- cape,
- cerebellar hemispheres,
- cerebellum,
- cerebral cortex,
- cerebrospinal fluid,
- cerebrum,
- chain,
- chain of office,
- change color,
- class ring,
- cloak,
- clothe,
- cloud,
- coat,
- cockade,
- coif,
- collar,
- color,
- color up,
- conceal,
- convolution,
- cope,
- corpus callosum,
- corpus striatum,
- cover,
- cover up,
- coverage,
- covering,
- covert,
- coverture,
- cowl,
- cowling,
- cream,
- crimson,
- crook,
- crosier,
- cross,
- cross-staff,
- curtain,
- darken,
- decoration,
- diencephalon,
- disguise,
- drape,
- drapery,
- dress,
- dura mater,
- eagle,
- eclipse,
- emblems,
- encircle,
- endbrain,
- ensigns,
- envelop,
- fasces,
- figurehead,
- film,
- fissure,
- flame,
- fleur-de-lis,
- flush,
- foam,
- folia,
- forebrain,
- fornix,
- frock,
- frontal lobe,
- froth,
- frown,
- gavel,
- glare,
- glial cells,
- globus pallidus,
- glow,
- glower,
- gnarl,
- gown,
- gray matter,
- grow red,
- growl,
- guise,
- gyrus,
- hammer and sickle,
- hanging,
- hat,
- heraldry,
- hide,
- hindbrain,
- hippocampus,
- hood,
- housing,
- hypothalamus,
- insignia,
- jacket,
- lapel pin,
- lather,
- lay on,
- lay over,
- lenticular nucleus,
- limbic lobe,
- little brain,
- livery,
- lobe,
- look black,
- look daggers,
- lower,
- mace,
- markings,
- mask,
- medal,
- medulla oblongata,
- meninges,
- mesencephalon,
- metencephalon,
- midbrain,
- mortarboard,
- muffle,
- myelencephalon,
- neopallium,
- obduce,
- obscure,
- occipital lobe,
- occult,
- old school tie,
- optic chiasm,
- overlay,
- overspread,
- pale,
- pall,
- pallium,
- parietal lobe,
- pelisse,
- pia mater,
- pin,
- pineal body,
- pink,
- pituitary body,
- pons,
- portfolio,
- put on,
- redden,
- regalia,
- reticular system,
- rhombencephalon,
- ring,
- robe,
- rod,
- rod of office,
- rose,
- rouge,
- scepter,
- school ring,
- scowl,
- screen,
- scum,
- shamrock,
- shawl,
- sheet,
- shelter,
- shield,
- shirt,
- shoe,
- shroud,
- sigillography,
- skull and crossbones,
- snap,
- snarl,
- sock,
- sphragistics,
- spit,
- spread over,
- spume,
- squirm with self-consciousness,
- staff,
- stammer,
- stocking,
- subthalamus,
- sud,
- suds,
- superimpose,
- superpose,
- surround,
- swastika,
- tartan,
- telencephalon,
- temporal lobe,
- thalamus,
- thistle,
- tie,
- truncheon,
- turn color,
- turn pale,
- turn red,
- uniform,
- veil,
- ventricle,
- verge,
- vermis,
- vestment,
- wand,
- wand of office,
- whip,
- whisk,
- white matter,
- whiten,
- wrap