Exact Match:
- mark off
- set boundaries to and delimit; "mark out the territory"
- allocate,
- allot,
- analyze,
- anatomize,
- appoint,
- appropriate to,
- assign,
- assign to,
- atomize,
- be characteristic,
- blaze,
- blaze a trail,
- blemish,
- blotch,
- blueprint,
- bound,
- brand,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- change,
- characterize,
- chart,
- check,
- check off,
- chop logic,
- cicatrize,
- circle in,
- circumscribe,
- dapple,
- dash,
- define,
- delimit,
- delimitate,
- demarcate,
- describe,
- destine,
- desynonymize,
- detail,
- determine,
- diagram,
- difference,
- differentiate,
- discolor,
- discriminate,
- disequalize,
- disjoin,
- distinguish,
- diversify,
- divide,
- dot,
- earmark,
- enclose,
- engrave,
- fate,
- fix,
- fleck,
- freckle,
- gash,
- graph,
- hatch,
- impress,
- imprint,
- individualize,
- individuate,
- keynote,
- lay off,
- lay out,
- line,
- lot,
- make a distinction,
- make a mark,
- make assignments,
- map,
- map out,
- mark,
- mark boundaries,
- mark out,
- mark out for,
- mark the periphery,
- measure off,
- measure out,
- modify,
- mottle,
- nick,
- notch,
- ordain,
- pace off,
- particularize,
- pencil,
- pepper,
- personalize,
- plot,
- plot out,
- point,
- portion off,
- prick,
- print,
- punch,
- punctuate,
- puncture,
- refine a distinction,
- reserve,
- restrict,
- restrict to,
- riddle,
- rope off,
- rule off,
- scar,
- scarify,
- schedule,
- score,
- scotch,
- scratch,
- seal,
- seam,
- segregate,
- separate,
- set,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set off,
- set out,
- set the limit,
- set the pace,
- set the tone,
- sever,
- severalize,
- sketch,
- sketch out,
- sound the keynote,
- specialize,
- specify,
- speck,
- speckle,
- split hairs,
- splotch,
- spot,
- stain,
- stake out,
- stamp,
- step off,
- stigmatize,
- streak,
- striate,
- stripe,
- surround,
- tag,
- tattoo,
- tick,
- tick off,
- trace,
- underline,
- underscore,
- vary