Exact Match:
- money
- wealth reckoned in terms of money; "all his money is in real estate"
- the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender; "we tried to collect the money he owed us"
- the official currency issued by a government or national bank; "he changed his money into francs"
- Swiss bank account,
- affluence,
- affluent,
- assets,
- balance,
- bank account,
- banknotes,
- bankroll,
- bills,
- blunt,
- boodle,
- bottom dollar,
- bottomless purse,
- brass,
- bread,
- bucks,
- budget,
- bulging purse,
- bundle,
- cabbage,
- capital,
- cash,
- cash reserves,
- change,
- checking account,
- chink,
- chips,
- coin,
- coinage,
- coins,
- command of money,
- currency,
- dinero,
- do-re-mi,
- dough,
- easy circumstances,
- embarras de richesses,
- exchequer,
- fat,
- filthy lucre,
- finances,
- flush,
- folding money,
- fortune,
- fund,
- funds,
- gain,
- gelt,
- gold,
- greenbacks,
- handsome fortune,
- hard cash,
- hay,
- high income,
- high tax bracket,
- in clover,
- in the money,
- independence,
- jack,
- kale,
- kitty,
- legal tender,
- lettuce,
- life savings,
- liquid assets,
- loaded,
- lolly,
- loot,
- lucre,
- luxuriousness,
- mammon,
- material wealth,
- mazuma,
- means,
- medium of exchange,
- money to burn,
- moneybags,
- moneyed,
- moneys,
- monied,
- moolah,
- mopus,
- needful,
- nest egg,
- net,
- notes,
- on Easy Street,
- ooftish,
- opulence,
- opulency,
- paper money,
- pecuniary resources,
- pelf,
- percentage,
- pocket,
- pool,
- possessions,
- profit,
- property,
- prosperity,
- prosperous,
- prosperousness,
- purse,
- rake-off,
- ready money,
- reserves,
- resources,
- rhino,
- rich,
- riches,
- richness,
- rocks,
- savings,
- savings account,
- scratch,
- shekels,
- simoleons,
- six-figure income,
- small change,
- smash,
- specie,
- spinach,
- stiff,
- stuff,
- stumpy,
- substance,
- sugar,
- swag,
- take,
- the ready,
- treasure,
- unregistered bank account,
- upper bracket,
- wampum,
- wealth,
- wealthiness,
- wealthy,
- well-heeled,
- well-to-do,
- wherewithal