Exact Match:
- nerve
- any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
- afferent neuron,
- animate,
- annoy,
- anxiety,
- aplomb,
- apprehension,
- assurance,
- assure,
- audacity,
- autonomic nervous system,
- axon,
- backbone,
- balance,
- balanced personality,
- balls,
- beef up,
- boldness,
- bolster,
- bottle,
- bottom,
- brace,
- brace up,
- brain,
- brashness,
- brass,
- bravery,
- brazenness,
- buck up,
- buttress,
- case harden,
- central nervous system,
- cerebral cortex,
- cheek,
- cheer,
- chirk up,
- chutzpah,
- confidence,
- confirm,
- constancy,
- cool,
- coolness,
- courage,
- craniosacral nervous system,
- crust,
- daring,
- dauntlessness,
- dendrite,
- determination,
- doughtiness,
- effector organ,
- efferent neuron,
- effrontery,
- embolden,
- encourage,
- equilibrium,
- face,
- fastness,
- fearlessness,
- firmness,
- fortify,
- fortitude,
- forwardness,
- fretfulness,
- fright,
- gall,
- ganglion,
- gird,
- gray matter,
- grit,
- gumption,
- guts,
- gutsiness,
- guttiness,
- harden,
- hardihood,
- hardiness,
- heart,
- heart of oak,
- hearten,
- homeostasis,
- hysteria,
- impertinence,
- imperturbability,
- importunacy,
- importunateness,
- impudence,
- insolence,
- inspire,
- inspirit,
- internuncial neuron,
- intestinal fortitude,
- intrepidity,
- invariability,
- invigorate,
- irritate,
- medullary sheath,
- mettle,
- moxie,
- nerve trunk,
- nerves,
- nervous system,
- nervousness,
- neuron,
- peripheral nervous system,
- pith,
- plexus,
- pluck,
- presumption,
- presumptuousness,
- prop,
- pushiness,
- reassure,
- refresh,
- reinforce,
- reinvigorate,
- reliability,
- resoluteness,
- restrengthen,
- rootedness,
- sand,
- sang-froid,
- sauce,
- secureness,
- security,
- self-assertion,
- self-assertiveness,
- self-expression,
- self-expressiveness,
- sensorium,
- sensory area,
- sensory cell,
- shore up,
- solar plexus,
- solidity,
- soundness,
- spinal cord,
- spirit,
- spunk,
- stability,
- stable equilibrium,
- stable state,
- stamina,
- staunchness,
- steadfastness,
- steadiness,
- steady nerves,
- steady state,
- steel,
- stiffen,
- stout heart,
- strengthen,
- stress,
- substantiality,
- support,
- sustain,
- synapse,
- temerity,
- temper,
- tenacity,
- tension,
- the heebie-jeebies,
- thoracolumbar nervous system,
- toughen,
- toughness,
- undeflectability,
- undergird,
- uniformity,
- unshakable nerves,
- unshakableness,
- upset,
- valor,
- white matter,
- will,
- worry