Exact Match:
- on guard
- vigilant; "on guard against con artists"; "must remain on your guard in such a situation"
- Argus-eyed,
- all ears,
- all eyes,
- at bay,
- aux abois,
- aux aguets,
- canny,
- careful,
- cautious,
- circumspect,
- custodial,
- defensively,
- deliberate,
- discreet,
- eagle-eyed,
- gingerly,
- guarded,
- hawk-eyed,
- heedful,
- hesitant,
- in defense,
- in self-defense,
- judicious,
- keen-eyed,
- leaving out nothing,
- lidless,
- mindful,
- noncommittal,
- observant,
- on the defensive,
- on the lookout,
- on the watch,
- open-eyed,
- overlooking no possibility,
- pawky,
- politic,
- prudent,
- regardful,
- safe,
- sharp-eyed,
- sleepless,
- slow to act,
- tentative,
- thorough,
- unadventurous,
- uncommunicative,
- undaring,
- unenterprising,
- unprecipitate,
- vigilant,
- wary,
- watchful,
- with open eyes