- advertent,
- agape,
- aghast,
- agog,
- ajar,
- alert,
- all agog,
- all ears,
- all eyes,
- amazed,
- assiduous,
- astonished,
- astounded,
- at gaze,
- attentive,
- aware,
- awed,
- awestruck,
- bawling,
- beguiled,
- bewildered,
- bewitched,
- blatant,
- boanergean,
- boisterous,
- brawling,
- breathless,
- burning with curiosity,
- captivated,
- careful,
- clamorous,
- clamoursome,
- concentrated,
- confounded,
- conscious,
- consumed with curiosity,
- crying,
- curious,
- dehiscent,
- diligent,
- dumbfounded,
- dumbstruck,
- earnest,
- enchanted,
- enraptured,
- enravished,
- enthralled,
- entranced,
- fascinated,
- finical,
- finicking,
- finicky,
- flabbergasted,
- gaping,
- gauping,
- gazing,
- ghoulish,
- gossipy,
- heedful,
- hypnotized,
- in awe,
- in awe of,
- inquiring,
- inquisitive,
- intense,
- intent,
- intentive,
- interested,
- itchy,
- lost in wonder,
- loudmouthed,
- marveling,
- mesmerized,
- meticulous,
- mindful,
- morbid,
- morbidly curious,
- multivocal,
- nice,
- niggling,
- noisy,
- observant,
- observing,
- obstreperous,
- on the ball,
- on the job,
- open-eared,
- open-eyed,
- oscitant,
- overcurious,
- overwhelmed,
- popeyed,
- prurient,
- puzzled,
- quizzical,
- rapt in wonder,
- regardful,
- ringent,
- scopophiliac,
- screaming,
- shouting,
- slack-jawed,
- spellbound,
- staggered,
- staring,
- strident,
- stupefied,
- supercurious,
- surprised,
- thunderstruck,
- under a charm,
- vociferant,
- vociferating,
- vociferous,
- voyeuristic,
- watchful,
- wide-eyed,
- wonder-struck,
- wondering,
- yammering,
- yapping,
- yawning,
- yelling,
- yelping