Exact Match:
- oppression
- the act of subjugating by cruelty; "the tyrant's oppression of the people"
- a feeling of being oppressed
- the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority: "after years of oppression they finally revolted"
- McCarthyism,
- Schmerz,
- Slough of Despond,
- abuse,
- affliction,
- airlessness,
- anguish,
- argumentum baculinum,
- bale,
- big stick,
- bitter cup,
- bitter draft,
- bitter draught,
- bitter pill,
- blank despondency,
- burden,
- burden of care,
- burdening,
- burthen,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- cargo,
- charge,
- charging,
- closeness,
- cross,
- crown of thorns,
- cumber,
- cumbrance,
- curse,
- deadweight,
- death wish,
- dejectedness,
- dejection,
- depression,
- despair,
- despondency,
- despondentness,
- despotism,
- discouragement,
- disheartenment,
- dispiritedness,
- distress,
- domination,
- domineering,
- down trip,
- downcastness,
- downer,
- downheartedness,
- drag,
- drooping spirits,
- encumbrance,
- enslavement,
- fascism,
- freight,
- gall,
- gall and wormwood,
- grievance,
- handicap,
- harassment,
- hardship,
- harrying,
- heartlessness,
- heavy hand,
- high hand,
- hopelessness,
- hounding,
- incubus,
- incumbency,
- infliction,
- injury,
- injustice,
- iron boot,
- iron hand,
- iron heel,
- lading,
- load,
- loading,
- low spirits,
- lowness,
- lowness of spirit,
- malaise,
- maltreatment,
- millstone,
- oppressiveness,
- overload,
- overtaxing,
- overweighting,
- pack of troubles,
- pain,
- peck of troubles,
- persecution,
- pessimism,
- pressure,
- red-baiting,
- reign of terror,
- repression,
- saddling,
- sea of troubles,
- self-destructive urge,
- sinking heart,
- sorrow,
- spiritlessness,
- stuffiness,
- subjection,
- subjugation,
- suicidal despair,
- superincumbency,
- suppression,
- surcharge,
- taedium vitae,
- taxing,
- terrorism,
- thorn,
- thought control,
- torment,
- tormenting,
- torture,
- trouble,
- tyranny,
- victimization,
- waters of bitterness,
- weariness of life,
- weight,
- witch-hunt,
- witch-hunting,
- woe