Exact Match:
- pad
- the foot or fleshy cushion-like underside of the toes of an animal
- a usually thin flat mass of padding
- a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp
- the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)
- a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge
- add padding to; "pad the seat of the chair"
- line or stuff with soft material; "pad a bra"
- Domesday Book,
- abate,
- abiding place,
- abode,
- account book,
- address,
- address book,
- adversaria,
- aegis,
- air mattress,
- album,
- allay,
- alleviate,
- ambler,
- ambulate,
- anesthetize,
- ankle,
- annual,
- appease,
- appointment calendar,
- appointment schedule,
- arch,
- arm guard,
- assuage,
- backstop,
- barrier,
- battologize,
- bedding,
- benumb,
- blankbook,
- blotter,
- bolster,
- boss,
- brattice,
- brim,
- buffer,
- buffer state,
- bulkhead,
- bulwark,
- bump,
- bumper,
- calendar,
- cantonment,
- cashbook,
- catalog,
- ceil,
- charge,
- chatter,
- chink,
- chock,
- circumambulate,
- classified catalog,
- click,
- clink,
- cloison,
- clop,
- clubfoot,
- clump,
- clunk,
- cob,
- collision mat,
- colophon,
- commonplace book,
- concavity,
- congest,
- contraceptive,
- convexity,
- copyright,
- court calendar,
- cram,
- crash helmet,
- crash pad,
- crawl,
- creep,
- crib,
- crowd,
- crump,
- cushion,
- dactylogram,
- dactylograph,
- dashboard,
- daybook,
- deaden,
- deaden the pain,
- dent,
- desk calendar,
- diaphragm,
- diary,
- digit,
- diminish,
- dint,
- diptych,
- dissepiment,
- dividing line,
- dividing wall,
- division,
- docket,
- dodger,
- dog,
- domicile,
- domus,
- drag out,
- draw out,
- dull,
- dull thud,
- dwelling,
- dwelling place,
- ease,
- ease matters,
- embellish,
- embossment,
- engagement book,
- exaggerate,
- excrescence,
- extend,
- extremity,
- face,
- face mask,
- feather,
- fender,
- fetlock,
- fill,
- fill out,
- fill to overflowing,
- fill up,
- finger guard,
- fingerprint,
- flick,
- flump,
- foment,
- foot,
- foot guard,
- foot it,
- footmark,
- footprint,
- footstep,
- forefoot,
- forepaw,
- fossil footprint,
- freight,
- fudge,
- fur,
- fuse,
- gaited horse,
- galloper,
- give an encore,
- give relief,
- go on tiptoe,
- go over,
- go through,
- goggles,
- governor,
- grovel,
- guard,
- guardrail,
- gumshoe,
- habitation,
- hand guard,
- handrail,
- hard hat,
- harefoot,
- heel,
- helmet,
- high-stepper,
- hoof,
- hoof it,
- ichnite,
- ichnolite,
- impress,
- impression,
- imprint,
- inch,
- inch along,
- indent,
- indentation,
- indention,
- inlay,
- innerspring mattress,
- instep,
- insulation,
- interline,
- interlock,
- interseptum,
- iterate,
- jam,
- jam-pack,
- jaywalk,
- jog on,
- journal,
- knee guard,
- knuckle guard,
- lade,
- laminated glass,
- lay,
- ledger,
- leg,
- leg it,
- lessen,
- life preserver,
- lifeline,
- lightning conductor,
- lightning rod,
- line,
- litter,
- load,
- lodging,
- lodging place,
- lodgment,
- log,
- logbook,
- loose-leaf notebook,
- lull,
- lump,
- magnify,
- mask,
- mat,
- mattress,
- memo book,
- memorandum book,
- memory book,
- midriff,
- midsection,
- mitigate,
- mollify,
- mudguard,
- nest,
- never finish,
- nightwalk,
- nose guard,
- notebook,
- numb,
- overcharge,
- overdraw,
- overfill,
- overpaint,
- overstate,
- pace,
- pacer,
- pack,
- padding,
- padnag,
- palladium,
- pallet,
- palliate,
- panel,
- paries,
- partition,
- party wall,
- pastern,
- pat,
- patent,
- patte,
- patter,
- paw,
- paw print,
- pawmark,
- pedal extremity,
- pedes,
- pedestrianize,
- perambulate,
- peripateticate,
- perorate,
- pes,
- petty cashbook,
- pied,
- pillow,
- pilot,
- pimple,
- pitapat,
- pitter-patter,
- place,
- place to live,
- plump,
- plunk,
- pocket notebook,
- pocketbook,
- police blotter,
- pop,
- poultice,
- pour balm into,
- pour oil on,
- practice,
- prancer,
- preventive,
- print,
- property line,
- prophylactic,
- protection,
- protective clothing,
- protective umbrella,
- protract,
- prowl,
- pug,
- pugmark,
- pussyfoot,
- racker,
- ram in,
- rap,
- reaffirm,
- reassert,
- recapitulate,
- recite,
- recount,
- reduce,
- rehearse,
- reissue,
- reiterate,
- relieve,
- reprint,
- residence,
- restate,
- resume,
- retail,
- retell,
- review,
- reword,
- roof,
- rug,
- run out,
- run over,
- safeguard,
- safety,
- safety glass,
- safety plug,
- safety rail,
- safety shoes,
- safety switch,
- safety valve,
- salve,
- satiate,
- saturate,
- say over,
- say over again,
- scrabble,
- scramble,
- scrapbook,
- scratch pad,
- screen,
- seal,
- seat,
- seat belt,
- separation,
- septulum,
- septum,
- shield,
- shin guard,
- shock pad,
- shuffle along,
- side-wheeler,
- sidle,
- sigil,
- signet,
- single-footer,
- slacken,
- slake,
- sleeping bag,
- slink,
- snake,
- sneak,
- soften,
- sole,
- soothe,
- speak at length,
- spin out,
- spiral notebook,
- splayfoot,
- springs,
- stamp,
- steal,
- steal along,
- step,
- stepper,
- stretch,
- stretch out,
- stride,
- string out,
- stud,
- stuff,
- stump it,
- stupe,
- subdue,
- sum up,
- summarize,
- sun helmet,
- supercharge,
- surfeit,
- table,
- tablet,
- tap,
- tautologize,
- thud,
- thumbmark,
- thumbprint,
- thump,
- tick,
- tinkle,
- tippytoe,
- tiptoe,
- toe,
- tootsy,
- top off,
- traipse,
- tread,
- triptych,
- trotter,
- tunk,
- umbrella,
- underbed,
- underbedding,
- ungula,
- vestige,
- wad,
- wainscot,
- walk,
- wall,
- weight,
- windscreen,
- windshield,
- workbook,
- worm,
- worm along,
- writing tablet,
- yearbook