Exact Match:
- parallel
- being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; "parallel lines never converge"; "concentric circles are parallel"; "dancers in two parallel rows"
- of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations; "parallel processing"
- make or place parallel to something; "They paralleled the ditch to the highway"
- be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours"
- Antarctic Zone,
- Arctic Circle,
- Arctic Zone,
- Frigid Zones,
- Lambert conformal projection,
- Mercator projection,
- Miller projection,
- Torrid Zone,
- Tropic of Cancer,
- Tropic of Capricorn,
- Variable Zones,
- abri,
- accessory,
- accompanying,
- accord,
- admit of comparison,
- aeronautical chart,
- affiliate,
- affiliated,
- agnate,
- agree,
- agree with,
- akin,
- align,
- aligned,
- alike,
- allied,
- ally,
- alter ego,
- amount to,
- analogical,
- analogize,
- analogon,
- analogous,
- analogue,
- analogy,
- answer to,
- ape,
- appear like,
- apply,
- approach,
- approach trench,
- approximate,
- assent,
- assimilate,
- associate,
- associated,
- assort with,
- astronomical chart,
- atlas,
- attendant,
- attending,
- azimuthal equidistant projection,
- azimuthal projection,
- balance,
- be commensurable,
- be comparable,
- be consistent,
- be like,
- be of one,
- be parallel,
- be redolent of,
- be uniform with,
- bear resemblance,
- bind,
- bound,
- bracket,
- bracketed,
- break even,
- bring into analogy,
- bring into comparison,
- bring to mind,
- brother,
- bunker,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- cartographer,
- cartography,
- celestial chart,
- celestial globe,
- chart,
- check,
- chime,
- chorographer,
- chorography,
- climate,
- climatic chart,
- clime,
- close copy,
- close match,
- coequal,
- coequality,
- coextend,
- coextending,
- coextensive,
- cognate,
- cohere,
- coincide,
- coincident,
- collatable,
- collateral,
- collimate,
- collocate,
- combined,
- come close,
- come near,
- come to,
- come up to,
- commensurable,
- commensurate,
- communication trench,
- companion,
- comparable,
- comparative,
- compare,
- compare and contrast,
- compare to,
- compare with,
- compeer,
- complement,
- concomitant,
- concur,
- concurrent,
- conform,
- conform to,
- conform with,
- confront,
- congenator,
- congener,
- congruent,
- conic projection,
- conjoint,
- conjugate,
- connect,
- connected,
- consist with,
- consonant,
- contemporaneous,
- contemporary,
- contour line,
- contour map,
- contrast,
- cooperate,
- coordinate,
- copy,
- correlate,
- correlated,
- correlation,
- correlative,
- correspond,
- correspond to,
- correspond with,
- correspondence,
- correspondent,
- corresponding,
- counterbalance,
- counterfeit,
- countermine,
- counterpart,
- counterpose,
- couple,
- coupled,
- coupure,
- cylindrical projection,
- ditch,
- ditto,
- double,
- double sap,
- dovetail,
- draw,
- draw a comparison,
- draw a parallel,
- dugout,
- duplicate,
- duplication,
- echo,
- entrenchment,
- equal,
- equality,
- equate,
- equator,
- equidistant,
- equipoise,
- equipollent,
- equiponderance,
- equispaced,
- equivalence,
- equivalent,
- even,
- even off,
- even up,
- evoke,
- fall in together,
- favor,
- fellow,
- fire trench,
- fit together,
- flying sap,
- follow,
- fortified tunnel,
- fosse,
- foxhole,
- gallery,
- general reference map,
- globe,
- gnomonic projection,
- go alongside,
- go beside,
- go together,
- go with,
- graphic scale,
- grid line,
- hachure,
- hang together,
- harmonize,
- heliographic chart,
- hit,
- hold together,
- homologous,
- homologue,
- horse latitudes,
- hydrographic chart,
- identify,
- image,
- imitate,
- implicated,
- in proportion,
- index,
- interlinked,
- interlock,
- interlocked,
- interrelate,
- interrelated,
- intersect,
- involved,
- isoline,
- iterate,
- jibe,
- joined,
- joint,
- keep pace with,
- kindred spirit,
- kinship,
- knot,
- knotted,
- latitude,
- layer tint,
- legend,
- like,
- liken,
- liken to,
- likeness,
- line up,
- lined up,
- link,
- linked,
- lock,
- longitude,
- longitude in arc,
- look like,
- map,
- map maker,
- map projection,
- mapper,
- match,
- match up with,
- matchable,
- matching,
- mate,
- measure against,
- measure up to,
- meridian,
- metaphorize,
- mimic,
- mine,
- mirror,
- moat,
- much at one,
- mutatis mutandis,
- mutual,
- near,
- near duplicate,
- nearly reproduce,
- nonconvergent,
- nondivergent,
- not compare with,
- not tell apart,
- obverse,
- of a kind,
- of a piece,
- of a size,
- of that ilk,
- of that kind,
- offset,
- oppose,
- opposite number,
- overlap,
- paired,
- paragon,
- parallel bar,
- parallel file,
- parallel line,
- parallelepiped,
- parallelepipedal,
- paralleler,
- parallelinervate,
- paralleling,
- parallelism,
- parallelize,
- parallelodrome,
- parallelogram,
- parallelogrammatic,
- parallelogrammic,
- parallelotropic,
- pari passu,
- parity,
- partake of,
- peer,
- pendant,
- photogrammetrist,
- photogrammetry,
- photomap,
- phototopography,
- physical map,
- picture,
- place against,
- political map,
- polyconic projection,
- prime meridian,
- projection,
- proportion,
- proportional,
- proportionate,
- reach,
- reciprocal,
- register,
- register with,
- reiterate,
- relate,
- related,
- relationship,
- relative,
- relativize,
- relief map,
- remind one of,
- repeat,
- representative fraction,
- resemblance,
- resemble,
- respond to,
- rival,
- road map,
- roaring forties,
- run a comparison,
- run abreast,
- run parallel,
- run to,
- sap,
- savor of,
- scale,
- second self,
- seem like,
- set in contrast,
- set in opposition,
- set off,
- set off against,
- set over against,
- similar,
- similarity,
- similitude,
- similize,
- simulacrum,
- simulate,
- simultaneous,
- sing in chorus,
- sinusoidal projection,
- sister,
- slit trench,
- smack of,
- sort with,
- soul mate,
- sound like,
- special map,
- spliced,
- square,
- square with,
- stack up with,
- stand together,
- subtropics,
- such,
- suchlike,
- suggest,
- symmetry,
- take after,
- tally,
- terrain map,
- terrestrial globe,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- the line,
- thematic map,
- tie,
- tied,
- topographer,
- topographic chart,
- topography,
- touch,
- transportation map,
- trench,
- tropic,
- tropics,
- tunnel,
- twin,
- twinned,
- uniform,
- vie,
- vie with,
- view together,
- weather chart,
- weather map,
- wed,
- wedded,
- weigh,
- weigh against,
- yoked,
- zone