Exact Match:
- parasitism
- the relation between two different kinds of organisms in which one receives benefits from the other by causing damage to it (usually not fatal damage)
- accompaniment,
- accordance,
- agreement,
- alliance,
- apple-polishing,
- ass-kissing,
- association,
- backscratching,
- bootlicking,
- brown-nosing,
- cahoots,
- co-working,
- coaction,
- coincidence,
- collaboration,
- collectivity,
- collusion,
- combination,
- combined effort,
- commensality,
- concert,
- concerted action,
- concomitance,
- concordance,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- confluence,
- conjunction,
- consilience,
- conspiracy,
- cooperation,
- correspondence,
- cringing,
- ecology,
- ecosystem,
- fawnery,
- fawning,
- flunkyism,
- footlicking,
- groveling,
- handshaking,
- ingratiation,
- insinuation,
- junction,
- mealymouthedness,
- obeisance,
- obsequiousness,
- prostration,
- saprophytism,
- simultaneity,
- sponging,
- sycophancy,
- symbiosis,
- symbiotics,
- synchronism,
- synergy,
- timeserving,
- toadeating,
- toadying,
- toadyism,
- truckling,
- tufthunting,
- union,
- united action