Exact Match:
- paroxysm
- a sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"; "convulsions of laughter"
- Jacksonian epilepsy,
- Rolandic epilepsy,
- abdominal epilepsy,
- access,
- acquired epilepsy,
- activated epilepsy,
- acute pain,
- affect epilepsy,
- akinetic epilepsy,
- amok,
- apoplexy,
- arrest,
- attack,
- autonomic epilepsy,
- bite,
- blaze,
- blockage,
- boring pain,
- breakup,
- burst,
- cardiac epilepsy,
- cat fit,
- cataclysm,
- charley horse,
- climax,
- clonic spasm,
- clonus,
- conniption,
- conniption fit,
- convulsion,
- cortical epilepsy,
- cramp,
- cramps,
- crick,
- cursive epilepsy,
- cyclone,
- darting pain,
- diastrophism,
- disaster,
- diurnal epilepsy,
- duck fit,
- eclampsia,
- epilepsia,
- epilepsia gravior,
- epilepsia major,
- epilepsia minor,
- epilepsia mitior,
- epilepsia nutans,
- epilepsia tarda,
- epilepsy,
- epitasis,
- eruption,
- explosion,
- falling sickness,
- fever,
- fit,
- fit of anger,
- fit of temper,
- flare-up,
- focal epilepsy,
- frenzy,
- fulgurant pain,
- furor,
- fury,
- gale,
- girdle pain,
- gnawing,
- grand mal,
- grip,
- griping,
- gust,
- haute mal,
- hitch,
- hurricane,
- hysterical epilepsy,
- ictus,
- irruption,
- jumping pain,
- kink,
- lancinating pain,
- larval epilepsy,
- laryngeal epilepsy,
- laryngospasm,
- latent epilepsy,
- lockjaw,
- matutinal epilepsy,
- menstrual epilepsy,
- murderous insanity,
- musicogenic epilepsy,
- myoclonous epilepsy,
- nip,
- nocturnal epilepsy,
- occlusion,
- orgasm,
- outbreak,
- outburst,
- overthrow,
- pang,
- petit mal,
- physiologic epilepsy,
- pinch,
- prick,
- psychic epilepsy,
- psychokinesia,
- psychomotor epilepsy,
- quake,
- rage,
- reflex epilepsy,
- rotatoria,
- seizure,
- sensory epilepsy,
- serial epilepsy,
- sexual climax,
- sharp pain,
- shoot,
- shooting,
- shooting pain,
- spasm,
- spell,
- stab,
- stabbing pain,
- stitch,
- stoppage,
- storm,
- stroke,
- tantrum,
- tardy epilepsy,
- temblor,
- temper tantrum,
- tempest,
- tetanus,
- tetany,
- thrill,
- throe,
- throes,
- thromboembolism,
- thrombosis,
- tidal wave,
- tonic epilepsy,
- tonic spasm,
- tormen,
- tornado,
- torsion spasm,
- traumatic epilepsy,
- trismus,
- tsunami,
- tweak,
- twinge,
- twitch,
- ucinate epilepsy,
- upheaval,
- visitation,
- whirlwind,
- wrench