- acuity,
- acumen,
- acuteness,
- apperception,
- astuteness,
- clear sight,
- cogency,
- color vision,
- cone vision,
- critical discernment,
- day vision,
- daylight vision,
- discernment,
- discrimination,
- eye,
- eye-mindedness,
- eyesight,
- farseeingness,
- farsight,
- farsightedness,
- field of view,
- field of vision,
- flair,
- foresight,
- foresightedness,
- horizon,
- incisiveness,
- insight,
- judgment,
- keen sight,
- keenness,
- ken,
- longheadedness,
- longsightedness,
- night vision,
- penetration,
- perception,
- perceptiveness,
- percipience,
- peripheral field,
- peripheral vision,
- perspicaciousness,
- perspicuity,
- perspicuousness,
- photopia,
- power of sight,
- providence,
- purview,
- quick sight,
- range,
- rod vision,
- sagaciousness,
- sagacity,
- scope,
- scotopia,
- seeing,
- sense of sight,
- sensibility,
- shrewdness,
- sight,
- sightedness,
- sweep,
- trenchancy,
- twilight vision,
- unobstructed vision,
- vision,
- visual acuity,
- visual field,
- visual sense,
- wit