Exact Match:
- pest
- any unwanted and destructive insect or other animal that attacks food or crops or livestock etc.; "he sprayed the garden to get rid of pests"; "many pests have developed resistance to the common pesticides"
- a persistently annoying person
- affliction,
- aggravation,
- ambulatory plague,
- annoyance,
- annoyer,
- bad news,
- badgerer,
- bane,
- bedevilment,
- besetment,
- black death,
- black plague,
- blast,
- blight,
- bore,
- bother,
- botheration,
- bothersomeness,
- bubonic plague,
- bugbear,
- bully,
- burden,
- buttonholer,
- calamity,
- cancer,
- canker,
- cellulocutaneous plague,
- crashing bore,
- crushing burden,
- curse,
- death,
- defervescing plague,
- destruction,
- devilment,
- difficulty,
- disease,
- dogging,
- downer,
- drag,
- drip,
- dry rot,
- dryasdust,
- dusty,
- epidemic,
- epiphytotic,
- epizootic,
- evil,
- exasperation,
- flat tire,
- frightful bore,
- fungus,
- gadfly,
- glandular plague,
- grievance,
- harasser,
- harassment,
- harm,
- harrier,
- harrying,
- headache,
- heckler,
- hemorrhagic plague,
- hounding,
- humdrum,
- infliction,
- irritant,
- larval plague,
- mildew,
- mold,
- molestation,
- moth,
- moth and rust,
- murrain,
- must,
- nag,
- nemesis,
- nudnik,
- nudzh,
- nuisance,
- open wound,
- pandemia,
- pandemic,
- persecution,
- persecutor,
- pester,
- pesterer,
- pesthole,
- pestilence,
- pill,
- plague,
- plague spot,
- plaguer,
- pneumonic plague,
- premonitory plague,
- problem,
- proser,
- rot,
- running sore,
- rust,
- sadist,
- scourge,
- septicemic plague,
- siderating plague,
- smut,
- tease,
- teaser,
- thorn,
- torment,
- tormentor,
- trial,
- trouble,
- tuberculosis,
- twaddler,
- vexation,
- vexatiousness,
- visitation,
- wet blanket,
- white plague,
- woe,
- worm,
- worriment,
- worry