Exact Match:
- pharisee
- a member of an ancient Jewish sect noted for strict obedience to Jewish traditions
- a self-righteous or sanctimonious person
- Holy Willie,
- Joseph Surface,
- Mawworm,
- Pecksniff,
- Pharisee,
- Tartuffe,
- affecter,
- canter,
- canting hypocrite,
- dissembler,
- dissimulator,
- fair-weather friend,
- false friend,
- formalist,
- hypocrite,
- lip,
- lip server,
- lip worshiper,
- mealymouth,
- phony,
- pietist,
- pious fraud,
- poser,
- ranter,
- religionist,
- religious hypocrite,
- sanctimonious fraud,
- sniveler,
- snuffler,
- spiritual humbug,
- summer soldier,
- whited sepulcher