Exact Match:
- polish
- the property of being smooth and shiny
- the Slavic language of Poland
- a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad
- a preparation used in polishing
- of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage"
- bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state; "polish your social manners"
- improve or perfect by pruning or polishing; "refine one's style of writing"
- make (a surface) shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish my shoes"
- Atticism,
- abradant,
- abrasive,
- acculturation,
- acquired taste,
- aluminum oxide,
- ameliorate,
- appreciation of excellence,
- appropriateness,
- auto polish,
- beautify,
- better,
- breeding,
- brighten,
- brighten up,
- brightness,
- brilliance,
- brush up,
- buff,
- bump off,
- burnish,
- chasteness,
- chastity,
- choiceness,
- civility,
- civilization,
- civilized taste,
- civilizedness,
- clarity,
- classicalism,
- classicism,
- clean,
- clearness,
- colcothar,
- comeliness,
- con,
- conclude,
- consume,
- correct,
- correctness,
- corundum,
- crocus,
- cultivate,
- cultivated taste,
- cultivation,
- culture,
- daintiness,
- delicacy,
- destroy,
- develop,
- dignity,
- directness,
- discrimination,
- dispatch,
- dispose of,
- distinction,
- do away with,
- do in,
- dress,
- ease,
- eat,
- education,
- elaborate,
- elegance,
- elegancy,
- eliminate,
- embellish,
- emend,
- emery,
- emery board,
- emery paper,
- enculturation,
- end,
- enhance,
- enlightenment,
- evolve,
- excellence,
- fastidiousness,
- felicitousness,
- felicity,
- file,
- finesse,
- finish,
- fittingness,
- fix,
- flow,
- flowing periods,
- fluency,
- freshen,
- furbish,
- furbish up,
- garnet,
- genteelness,
- gentility,
- gentlemanlikeness,
- gentlemanliness,
- gentleness,
- glance,
- glaze,
- gleam,
- glint,
- gloss,
- glow,
- good breeding,
- good taste,
- grace,
- gracefulness,
- gracility,
- graciosity,
- graciousness,
- improve,
- kill,
- ladylikeness,
- lawn-roller,
- learn,
- limpidity,
- liquidate,
- lucidity,
- luster,
- mature,
- mend,
- murder,
- nail file,
- naturalness,
- neatness,
- niceness,
- nicety,
- oil,
- patina,
- pellucidity,
- perfect,
- perspicuity,
- plainness,
- polish off,
- polish up,
- polishes,
- propriety,
- pumice,
- pumice stone,
- purity,
- put away,
- quality,
- radiance,
- rasp,
- refine,
- refinement,
- renovate,
- repair,
- restraint,
- retouch,
- review,
- revive,
- ripen,
- roller,
- rottenstone,
- rouge,
- round,
- rub,
- rub out,
- rub up,
- sand,
- sandblast,
- sandpaper,
- scour,
- scrub,
- season,
- seemliness,
- sheen,
- shine,
- shoe polish,
- silicon carbide,
- silver polish,
- simplicity,
- slay,
- sleek,
- sleeker,
- slick,
- slick down,
- slicker,
- smooth,
- smoother,
- smoothness,
- socialization,
- sophistication,
- sparkle,
- spruce,
- spruce up,
- straightforwardness,
- study,
- subtlety,
- taste,
- tastefulness,
- terminate,
- terseness,
- tone up,
- touch up,
- unaffectedness,
- vamp,
- vamp up,
- varnish,
- wax,
- wolf down