the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"; "he regards the fork as a modern introduction"
a formal entry into an organization or position or office; "his initiation into the club"; "he was ordered to report for induction into the army"; "he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame"
a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance; "Newton's writings were gospel for those who followed"
the four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings
an unquestionable truth; "his word was gospel"
folk music consisting of a genre of a cappella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response; influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul)
a tributary of the Kansas River that flows from eastern Colorado eastward through Nebraska and Kansas
an advocate of a republic (usually in opposition to a monarchy)
a member of the Republican Party
having the supreme power lying in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them or characteristic of such government; "the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government"- United States Constitution; "a very republican notion"; "so little republican and so much aristocratic sentiment"- Philip Marsh; "our republican and artistic simplicity"-Nathaniel Hawthorne
relating to or belonging to the Republican Party; "a Republican senator"; "Republican party politics"
representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large; "democratic art forms"; "a democratic or popular movement"; "popular thought"; "popular science"; "popular fiction"
characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality; "democratic government"; "a democratic country"; "a democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords"- George du Maurier
belong to or relating to the Democratic Party; "Democratic senator"