Exact Match:
- precinct
- a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes
- Kreis,
- agora,
- ambit,
- amphitheater,
- approach,
- approximation,
- archbishopric,
- archdiocese,
- area,
- arena,
- arrondissement,
- athletic field,
- auditorium,
- background,
- bailiwick,
- bear garden,
- beat,
- bishopric,
- border,
- borderland,
- borders,
- borough,
- boundary,
- bounds,
- bowl,
- boxing ring,
- bull ring,
- campus,
- canton,
- canvas,
- champaign,
- circle,
- circuit,
- circus,
- city,
- close borough,
- closeness,
- cockpit,
- coliseum,
- colosseum,
- commune,
- compass,
- confines,
- congressional district,
- constablewick,
- convergence,
- county,
- course,
- demesne,
- departement,
- department,
- diocese,
- district,
- domain,
- dominion,
- duchy,
- election district,
- electoral district,
- electorate,
- environs,
- field,
- floor,
- foreground,
- forum,
- gerrymander,
- gerrymandered district,
- government,
- ground,
- gym,
- gymnasium,
- hall,
- hamlet,
- hemisphere,
- hippodrome,
- hundred,
- immediacy,
- immediate foreground,
- judicial circuit,
- jurisdiction,
- limits,
- lists,
- locale,
- magistracy,
- march,
- marketplace,
- mat,
- metropolis,
- metropolitan area,
- milieu,
- nearness,
- neighborhood,
- nighness,
- oblast,
- okrug,
- open forum,
- orb,
- orbit,
- palaestra,
- pale,
- parade ground,
- parish,
- pit,
- place,
- platform,
- pocket borough,
- precincts,
- principality,
- prize ring,
- propinquity,
- province,
- proximity,
- public square,
- purlieu,
- purlieus,
- quarter,
- range,
- realm,
- region,
- riding,
- ring,
- rotten borough,
- round,
- safe district,
- scene,
- scene of action,
- scenery,
- section,
- sector,
- setting,
- sheriffalty,
- sheriffwick,
- shire,
- shrievalty,
- silk-stocking district,
- single-member district,
- site,
- soke,
- sphere,
- squared circle,
- stadium,
- stage,
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- stake,
- state,
- swing district,
- terrain,
- territory,
- theater,
- tilting ground,
- tiltyard,
- town,
- township,
- vicinage,
- vicinity,
- village,
- walk,
- wapentake,
- ward,
- wrestling ring,
- zone