Exact Match:
- preparation
- the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose; "preparations for the ceremony had begun"
- (music) a note that produces a dissonant chord is first heard in a consonant chord; "the resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance"
- accouterment,
- adaptation,
- anticipation,
- apprenticeship,
- architecture,
- armament,
- arrangement,
- arrangements,
- assembly,
- balm,
- balsam,
- basic training,
- breaking,
- breeding,
- briefing,
- building,
- casting,
- catering,
- chandlery,
- composing,
- composition,
- compound,
- concoction,
- conditioning,
- construction,
- contemplation,
- conversion,
- crafting,
- craftsmanship,
- cramming,
- creation,
- cultivation,
- development,
- devising,
- discipline,
- discretion,
- drill,
- drilling,
- drops,
- drug,
- education,
- elaboration,
- electuary,
- elixir,
- endowment,
- envisagement,
- envisionment,
- equipment,
- erection,
- ethical drug,
- exercise,
- extraction,
- fabrication,
- farseeingness,
- farsightedness,
- fashioning,
- fetching-up,
- finding,
- fitness,
- fitting out,
- forecast,
- foreglance,
- foregleam,
- foreglimpse,
- forehandedness,
- foreseeing,
- foresight,
- foresightedness,
- formation,
- forming,
- formulation,
- fostering,
- foundation,
- framing,
- furnishing,
- furnishment,
- generic name,
- grooming,
- groundwork,
- growing,
- handicraft,
- handiwork,
- harmonization,
- harvesting,
- herbs,
- housebreaking,
- improvement,
- in-service training,
- inhalant,
- instruction,
- instrumentation,
- intonation,
- investment,
- lincture,
- linctus,
- logistics,
- longsightedness,
- looking ahead,
- machining,
- making,
- manual training,
- manufacture,
- manufacturing,
- materia medica,
- material,
- measures,
- medicament,
- medication,
- medicinal,
- medicinal herbs,
- medicine,
- military training,
- milling,
- mining,
- mixture,
- modulation,
- molding,
- nonprescription drug,
- nurture,
- nurturing,
- officinal,
- on-the-job training,
- orchestration,
- organization,
- organizing,
- outfitting,
- patent medicine,
- pharmacon,
- phrasing,
- physic,
- planning,
- plans,
- powder,
- practice,
- prediction,
- prefabrication,
- prep,
- preparing,
- prepping,
- prepublication,
- prescription drug,
- preview,
- prevision,
- proceedings,
- processing,
- procurement,
- producing,
- product,
- proprietary,
- proprietary medicine,
- proprietary name,
- prospect,
- prospection,
- providence,
- providing,
- provision,
- provisioning,
- provisions,
- prudence,
- purveyance,
- putting together,
- raising,
- readiness,
- readying,
- rearing,
- refining,
- rehearsal,
- reinforcement,
- replenishment,
- resolution,
- resupply,
- retailing,
- sagacity,
- selling,
- setting,
- shaping,
- simples,
- sloyd,
- smelting,
- solution,
- spadework,
- study,
- studying,
- stuff,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- substance,
- subvention,
- supply,
- supplying,
- suspension,
- swotting,
- syrup,
- teaching,
- theraputant,
- tisane,
- tone painting,
- training,
- transcription,
- tuition,
- upbringing,
- vegetable remedies,
- victualing,
- vocational education,
- vocational training,
- work,
- workmanship