Exact Match:
- prepossession
- the condition of being prepossessed; "the king's prepossession in my favor is very valuable"
- adoption,
- adverse possession,
- affinity,
- alodium,
- appropriation,
- arrogation,
- assumption,
- bag,
- bent,
- bias,
- burgage,
- chosen kind,
- claim,
- colonization,
- colony,
- complex,
- compulsion,
- conquest,
- cup of tea,
- de facto,
- de jure,
- dependency,
- derivative title,
- druthers,
- enslavement,
- fancy,
- fascination,
- favor,
- favoritism,
- fee fief,
- fee position,
- fee simple,
- fee simple absolute,
- fee simple conditional,
- fee simple defeasible,
- fee simple determinable,
- fee tail,
- feodum,
- feud,
- fiefdom,
- fixation,
- fixed idea,
- forejudgment,
- frankalmoign,
- free socage,
- freehold,
- gavelkind,
- hang-up,
- having title to,
- hold,
- holding,
- hypercathexis,
- idee fixe,
- inclination,
- indent,
- irresistible impulse,
- jaundice,
- jaundiced eye,
- knight service,
- lay fee,
- leaning,
- lease,
- leasehold,
- legal claim,
- legal possession,
- mandate,
- monomania,
- morbid drive,
- obsession,
- obsessive compulsion,
- occupancy,
- occupation,
- one-sidedness,
- original title,
- owning,
- parti pris,
- partialism,
- partiality,
- particular choice,
- partisanship,
- personal choice,
- possessing,
- possession,
- preapprehension,
- preconception,
- preconclusion,
- preconsideration,
- predecision,
- predetermination,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- preemption,
- preference,
- prejudgment,
- prejudication,
- prejudice,
- premature judgment,
- prenotion,
- preoccupancy,
- preoccupation,
- prescription,
- presumption,
- presupposal,
- presupposition,
- presurmise,
- proclivity,
- property,
- property rights,
- proprietary rights,
- requisition,
- ruling passion,
- seisin,
- socage,
- squatting,
- style,
- subjugation,
- sublease,
- takeover,
- taking over,
- taste,
- tenancy,
- tenantry,
- tendency,
- tenure,
- tenure in chivalry,
- thing,
- tic,
- title,
- twist,
- type,
- underlease,
- undertenancy,
- undetachment,
- undispassionateness,
- usucapion,
- usurpation,
- villein socage,
- villeinhold,
- villenage