Exact Match:
- prevention
- the act of preventing; "there was no bar against leaving"; "money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza"
- Eighteenth Amendment,
- Prohibition Party,
- Volstead Act,
- abortion,
- anticipation,
- arrest,
- arrestation,
- arresting,
- avoidance,
- avoiding,
- avoiding reaction,
- balk,
- balking,
- ban,
- banning,
- bar,
- barring,
- block,
- blocking,
- check,
- checking,
- circumvention,
- contraband,
- control,
- controlling,
- curb,
- curbing,
- debarment,
- debarring,
- defense mechanism,
- delay,
- delaying,
- denial,
- determent,
- deterrence,
- disallowance,
- discouragement,
- dodge,
- duck,
- elusion,
- elusiveness,
- embargo,
- enjoining,
- equivocation,
- escape,
- estoppel,
- evasion,
- evasive action,
- evasiveness,
- exclusion,
- foiling,
- forbearance,
- forbiddance,
- forbidden fruit,
- forbidding,
- foreclosure,
- forestalling,
- forestallment,
- frustrating,
- frustration,
- getting around,
- halt,
- halting,
- hampering,
- hindering,
- hindrance,
- impedance,
- impeding,
- index,
- index expurgatorius,
- index librorum prohibitorum,
- inhibiting,
- inhibition,
- injunction,
- intercepting,
- interception,
- interdict,
- interdicting,
- interdiction,
- interdictum,
- jink,
- law,
- mitigating,
- mitigation,
- neutrality,
- no-no,
- nonintervention,
- noninvolvement,
- obstructing,
- obstruction,
- obviation,
- preclusion,
- prohibiting,
- prohibition,
- prohibitory injunction,
- proscribing,
- proscription,
- refraining,
- refusal,
- rejection,
- repression,
- restraining,
- restraint,
- restrictive covenants,
- retardation,
- ruling out,
- shunning,
- shunting off,
- shy,
- sidestep,
- sidetracking,
- slip,
- slowing,
- statute,
- stay,
- stop,
- stoppage,
- stopping,
- sumptuary laws,
- suppression,
- taboo,
- the runaround,
- thwarting,
- zigzag,
- zoning,
- zoning laws