Exact Match:
- pride
- unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards
- a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
- satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements; "he takes pride in his son's success"
- a group of lions
- be proud of; "He prides himself on making it into law school"
- Olympian detachment,
- Olympian loftiness,
- acedia,
- anger,
- army,
- arrogance,
- arrogantness,
- assumption of superiority,
- assurance,
- assuredness,
- avarice,
- avaritia,
- be proud of,
- belief,
- best,
- bighead,
- boast,
- boastfulness,
- brag,
- bunch,
- catch,
- celebrate,
- certitude,
- circumstance,
- cockiness,
- cocksureness,
- colony,
- conceit,
- condescendence,
- condescension,
- confidence,
- confidentness,
- congratulate,
- conviction,
- courage,
- crow,
- deadly sin,
- delight in,
- diamond,
- dignity,
- domineering,
- domineeringness,
- drift,
- drive,
- drove,
- egoism,
- egotism,
- envy,
- faith,
- felicitate,
- find,
- flock,
- flower,
- formality,
- gam,
- gang,
- gasconade,
- gem,
- glory in,
- gluttony,
- godsend,
- good thing,
- greed,
- gula,
- haughtiness,
- haughty airs,
- hauteur,
- heraldry,
- herd,
- high horse,
- hoity-toitiness,
- hoity-toity,
- honor,
- host,
- hubris,
- invidia,
- ira,
- jewel,
- kennel,
- litter,
- loftiness,
- lust,
- luxuria,
- overbearing pride,
- overbearingness,
- overconfidence,
- oversureness,
- overweening,
- overweening pride,
- overweeningness,
- pack,
- patronization,
- patronizing,
- patronizing attitude,
- pearl,
- pique,
- plum,
- plume,
- pod,
- poise,
- pomp,
- pomposity,
- positiveness,
- preen,
- pride and joy,
- prize,
- proudness,
- purse-pride,
- revel in,
- school,
- security,
- self-admiration,
- self-assurance,
- self-confidence,
- self-consequence,
- self-esteem,
- self-importance,
- self-love,
- self-reliance,
- self-respect,
- settled belief,
- shoal,
- side,
- skulk,
- sloth,
- smugness,
- snobbery,
- snobbishness,
- solemnity,
- state,
- stiff-necked pride,
- subjective certainty,
- superbia,
- sureness,
- surety,
- take pride in,
- toploftiness,
- treasure,
- trip,
- troop,
- trophy,
- trouvaille,
- trust,
- uppishness,
- uppityness,
- vainglory,
- vanity,
- vaunt,
- windfall,
- winner,
- wrath