Exact Match:
- primate
- any placental mammal of the order Primates; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet
- Australanthropus,
- Australopithecus,
- Barbary ape,
- Bronze Age man,
- Cro-Magnon man,
- Galley Hill man,
- Gigantopithecus,
- Grand Penitentiary,
- Grimaldi man,
- Heidelberg man,
- Holy Father,
- Hominidae,
- Iron Age man,
- Neanderthal man,
- Oreopithecus,
- Paranthropus,
- Peking man,
- Pithecanthropus,
- Plesianthropus,
- Rhodesian man,
- Sinanthropus,
- Stone Age man,
- Swanscombe man,
- Zinjanthropus,
- aboriginal,
- aborigine,
- abuna,
- amphibian,
- ancient,
- angwantibo,
- antediluvian,
- anthropoid,
- anthropoid ape,
- antipope,
- ape,
- ape-man,
- aquatic,
- archbishop,
- archdeacon,
- archpriest,
- autochthon,
- aye-aye,
- baboon,
- back-number,
- behind the times,
- biped,
- bishop,
- bishop coadjutor,
- bushman,
- canine,
- cannibal,
- canon,
- capuchin,
- cardinal,
- cardinal bishop,
- cardinal deacon,
- cardinal priest,
- carnivore,
- cave dweller,
- caveman,
- chacma,
- chaplain,
- chimpanzee,
- coadjutor,
- cosmopolite,
- curate,
- dated,
- dean,
- diocesan,
- drill,
- ecclesiarch,
- entellus,
- eolithic man,
- exarch,
- feline,
- fossil man,
- gibbon,
- gnawer,
- gorilla,
- guenon,
- guereza,
- hanuman,
- has-been,
- herbivore,
- hierarch,
- high priest,
- hominid,
- humanoid,
- insectivore,
- invertebrate,
- langur,
- lemur,
- macaque,
- mammal,
- mammalian,
- man,
- man of old,
- mandrill,
- marmoset,
- marsupial,
- marsupialian,
- metropolitan,
- missing link,
- mountain gorilla,
- neolithic man,
- old hat,
- old-fashioned,
- old-timey,
- oldfangled,
- omnivore,
- orang,
- orangutan,
- out of fashion,
- out of season,
- out-of-date,
- outdated,
- outmoded,
- papa,
- patriarch,
- penitentiary,
- pontiff,
- pope,
- preadamite,
- prebendary,
- prehistoric man,
- prehuman,
- prelate,
- primitive,
- proboscis monkey,
- protohuman,
- quadruped,
- rector,
- reptile,
- rhesus,
- rodent,
- ruminant,
- rural dean,
- saki,
- scavenger,
- styleless,
- subdean,
- suffragan,
- troglodyte,
- unfashionable,
- ungulate,
- varmint,
- vermin,
- vertebrate,
- vicar