Exact Match:
- prolix
- tediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length; "editing a prolix manuscript"; "a prolix lecturer telling you more than you want to know"
- all jaw,
- blah,
- broken-record,
- candid,
- chatty,
- communicative,
- conversational,
- de longue haleine,
- de trop,
- diffuse,
- dispensable,
- drearisome,
- dreary,
- dry,
- dryasdust,
- dull,
- dusty,
- effusive,
- endless,
- everlasting,
- excess,
- expansive,
- expendable,
- expletive,
- extended,
- filled out,
- flip,
- fluent,
- frank,
- gabby,
- garrulous,
- gassy,
- glib,
- gossipy,
- gratuitous,
- gregarious,
- gushy,
- harping,
- humdrum,
- in excess,
- invariable,
- irksome,
- jog-trot,
- lengthy,
- long,
- long-drawn-out,
- long-spun,
- long-winded,
- longiloquent,
- loquacious,
- monotonous,
- multiloquent,
- multiloquious,
- needless,
- newsy,
- nonessential,
- overtalkative,
- padded,
- pleonastic,
- prolonged,
- protracted,
- redundant,
- singsong,
- smooth,
- sociable,
- spare,
- spun-out,
- supererogatory,
- superfluous,
- talkative,
- talky,
- tautologic,
- tautologous,
- tedious,
- tiresome,
- to spare,
- treadmill,
- uncalled-for,
- unessential,
- uneventful,
- unnecessary,
- unneeded,
- unrelenting,
- unvarying,
- verbose,
- voluble,
- wearisome,
- windy,
- wordy