Exact Match:
- rebel
- `Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `greyback' derived from their grey Confederate uniforms
- used by Northerners of Confederate soldiers; "the rebel yell"
- take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance
- break with established customs
- Bolshevik,
- Bolshevist,
- Bolshie,
- Carbonarist,
- Carbonaro,
- Castroist,
- Castroite,
- Charley,
- Communist,
- Cong,
- Fenian,
- Guevarist,
- Jacobin,
- Leninist,
- Maoist,
- Marxist,
- Mau-Mau,
- Puritan,
- Red,
- Red Republican,
- Roundhead,
- Sinn Feiner,
- Trotskyist,
- Trotskyite,
- VC,
- Vietcong,
- Yankee,
- Yankee Doodle,
- adversary,
- agitator,
- anarch,
- anarchist,
- anarcho-syndicalist,
- antagonist,
- antinomian,
- apostate,
- arise,
- assailant,
- attacker,
- bellyacher,
- bonnet rouge,
- brawler,
- breakaway,
- challenge,
- complainant,
- complainer,
- crab,
- crank,
- criminal syndicalist,
- croaker,
- dare,
- debunker,
- defy,
- disobey,
- dissent,
- dissenter,
- extreme,
- extremist,
- extremistic,
- factious,
- faultfinder,
- flout,
- frondeur,
- griper,
- grouch,
- grouser,
- growler,
- grumbler,
- heretic,
- iconoclast,
- insubordinate,
- insurge,
- insurgent,
- insurrect,
- insurrectionary,
- insurrectionist,
- insurrecto,
- kicker,
- kvetch,
- malcontent,
- maverick,
- mount the barricades,
- murmurer,
- mutineer,
- mutineering,
- mutinous,
- mutiny,
- mutterer,
- nihilist,
- nonconformist,
- opponent,
- overthrow,
- querulous person,
- radical,
- reactionary,
- reactionist,
- rebellious,
- recusant,
- red,
- reluct,
- reluctate,
- resistance fighter,
- resister,
- revolt,
- revolter,
- revolute,
- revolution,
- revolutional,
- revolutionary,
- revolutionary junta,
- revolutioner,
- revolutionist,
- revolutionize,
- revolutionizer,
- riot,
- rioter,
- riotous,
- rise,
- rise against,
- rise up,
- run riot,
- sans-culotte,
- sans-culottist,
- schismatic,
- seditionary,
- seditious,
- sorehead,
- strike,
- subversive,
- subvert,
- syndicalist,
- terrorist,
- traitor,
- traitorous,
- treasonable,
- turbulent,
- ultraist,
- whiner