Exact Match:
- reflect
- give evidence of the quality of; "The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student"
- give evidence of a certain behavior; "His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him"
- to throw or bend back or reflect (from a surface); "A mirror in the sun can reflect light into a person's eyes"; "Sound is reflected well in this auditorium"
- manifest or bring back; "This action reflects his true beliefs"
- be bright by reflecting or casting light; "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"
- act like,
- adumbrate,
- affect,
- allude to,
- arch,
- assume,
- attract,
- be abstracted,
- bend,
- bend back,
- blurt,
- blurt out,
- body forth,
- borrow,
- bounce back,
- bow,
- bring,
- bring back,
- bring to light,
- bring to mind,
- brood,
- brood over,
- call attention to,
- call back,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- cast,
- cerebrate,
- chew over,
- chew the cud,
- chorus,
- cogitate,
- comment,
- con over,
- conjure up,
- consider,
- contemplate,
- copy,
- counterfeit,
- crib,
- crook,
- curl,
- curve,
- debate,
- decurve,
- deflect,
- deliberate,
- deliberate over,
- deliberate upon,
- demonstrate,
- digest,
- disclose,
- display,
- ditto,
- do,
- do like,
- dome,
- echo,
- embody,
- embow,
- evaluate,
- evidence,
- evoke,
- examine,
- exclaim,
- exemplify,
- exhibit,
- expose,
- fake,
- figure,
- flex,
- foreshadow,
- forge,
- glass,
- go back,
- go back over,
- go like,
- hark back,
- hoke,
- hoke up,
- hook,
- hump,
- hunch,
- illustrate,
- image,
- imitate,
- impersonate,
- incarnate,
- incurvate,
- incurve,
- indicate,
- inflect,
- interject,
- introspect,
- lay bare,
- let drop,
- let fall,
- look back,
- loop,
- make like,
- make reference to,
- meditate,
- meditate upon,
- mention,
- mind,
- mirror,
- mull over,
- muse,
- muse on,
- muse over,
- note,
- observe,
- opine,
- perpend,
- personate,
- personify,
- plagiarize,
- play around with,
- play with,
- point to,
- ponder,
- ponder over,
- prefigure,
- pretypify,
- project,
- realize,
- reason,
- recall,
- recall to mind,
- recapture,
- recollect,
- recurve,
- reecho,
- reevoke,
- refer to,
- reflect over,
- reflex,
- remark,
- remember,
- repeat,
- reproduce,
- retrace,
- retroflex,
- retrospect,
- return,
- reveal,
- review,
- review in retrospect,
- revive,
- revolve,
- round,
- ruminate,
- ruminate over,
- run over,
- sag,
- see in retrospect,
- send back,
- shadow,
- shadow forth,
- show,
- simulate,
- speak,
- speculate,
- study,
- suggest,
- summon up,
- swag,
- sweep,
- think back,
- think of,
- think over,
- throw,
- throw back,
- toy with,
- turn,
- turn over,
- uncover,
- use hindsight,
- vault,
- weigh,
- wind