Exact Match:
- relinquishment
- the act of giving up and abandoning a struggle or task etc.
- a verbal act of renouncing a claim or right or position etc.
- abandonment,
- abdication,
- abeyance,
- abjuration,
- abjurement,
- breakoff,
- capitulation,
- cease,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- cession,
- close,
- closing,
- cold storage,
- demission,
- deposal,
- desinence,
- desistance,
- discontinuance,
- discontinuation,
- dropping out,
- emeritus status,
- forbearance,
- forced resignation,
- forswearing,
- giving in,
- giving over,
- giving up,
- handing over,
- nonexercise,
- recedence,
- recession,
- renouncement,
- renunciation,
- resignation,
- retiral,
- retirement,
- retreat,
- shutdown,
- stopping,
- superannuation,
- surcease,
- surrender,
- suspension,
- termination,
- voluntary resignation,
- waiver,
- withdrawal,
- withdrawing,
- yielding