Exact Match:
- reproach
- a mild rebuke or criticism; "words of reproach"
- disgrace or shame; "he brought reproach upon his family"
- express criticism towards; "The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior"
- accusal,
- accusation,
- accuse,
- accusing,
- admonish,
- admonishment,
- admonition,
- allegation,
- allege,
- allegement,
- anathematize,
- anathemize,
- animadvert on,
- arraign,
- arraignment,
- article,
- aspersion,
- attaint,
- badge of infamy,
- bar sinister,
- baton,
- bend sinister,
- bill of particulars,
- black eye,
- black mark,
- blame,
- blot,
- blur,
- book,
- brand,
- bring accusation,
- bring charges,
- bring into discredit,
- bring low,
- bring shame upon,
- bring to book,
- bringing of charges,
- bringing to book,
- broad arrow,
- burning shame,
- byword,
- byword of reproach,
- call down,
- call to account,
- cast blame upon,
- cast reflection upon,
- cast reproach upon,
- castigation,
- censure,
- champain,
- charge,
- chastisement,
- chide,
- chiding,
- cite,
- complain,
- complain against,
- complaint,
- condemn,
- correction,
- count,
- cry down,
- cry out against,
- cry out on,
- cry shame upon,
- damn,
- debase,
- decry,
- defrock,
- degrade,
- delation,
- denounce,
- denouncement,
- denunciate,
- denunciation,
- deplume,
- dirty shame,
- discredit,
- disgrace,
- dishonor,
- disparagement,
- displume,
- fasten on,
- fasten upon,
- finger,
- fulminate against,
- hang something on,
- humiliate,
- humiliation,
- impeach,
- impeachment,
- implication,
- imply,
- impugn,
- imputation,
- impute,
- impute shame to,
- indict,
- indictment,
- inform against,
- inform on,
- information,
- innuendo,
- insinuate,
- insinuation,
- inveigh against,
- lawsuit,
- lay charges,
- laying of charges,
- lecture,
- lesson,
- lodge a complaint,
- lodge a plaint,
- low-down dirty shame,
- mark of Cain,
- objurgation,
- onus,
- pillory,
- pillorying,
- pin on,
- plaint,
- point champain,
- prefer charges,
- press charges,
- prosecution,
- put on report,
- put to shame,
- rap,
- rating,
- rebuke,
- reflect discredit upon,
- reflect upon,
- reflection,
- report,
- reprehend,
- reprehension,
- reprimand,
- reprobate,
- reprobation,
- reproof,
- reproval,
- scandal,
- scolding,
- sermon,
- shake up,
- shame,
- slur,
- smear,
- smirch,
- smudge,
- smutch,
- spanking,
- spot,
- stain,
- stigma,
- stigmatism,
- stigmatization,
- suit,
- taint,
- take to task,
- tarnish,
- task,
- taunt with,
- tax,
- taxing,
- tick off,
- true bill,
- twit,
- unfrock,
- unspoken accusation,
- upbraiding,
- veiled accusation,
- wig