Exact Match:
- retribution
- the act of correcting for your wrongdoing
- a justly deserved penalty
- affliction,
- amends,
- atonement,
- avengement,
- avenging,
- blood money,
- castigation,
- chastening,
- chastisement,
- comeuppance,
- compensation,
- condign punishment,
- consideration,
- correction,
- counterblow,
- damages,
- desert,
- deserts,
- disciplinary measures,
- discipline,
- ferule,
- guerdon,
- honorarium,
- indemnification,
- indemnity,
- infliction,
- judgment,
- judicial punishment,
- just deserts,
- justice,
- making good,
- meed,
- nemesis,
- pains,
- pains and punishments,
- pay,
- paying back,
- payment,
- penal retribution,
- penalty,
- penology,
- price,
- punishment,
- punition,
- quid pro quo,
- quittance,
- recompense,
- redress,
- refund,
- reimbursement,
- remuneration,
- reparation,
- repayment,
- reprisal,
- requital,
- requitement,
- restitution,
- retaliation,
- retributive justice,
- return,
- revanche,
- revenge,
- reward,
- salvage,
- satisfaction,
- scourge,
- smart money,
- solatium,
- squaring,
- trial,
- tribulation,
- vengeance,
- visitation,
- well-deserved punishment,
- wergild,
- what is due,
- what is merited,
- what-for