Exact Match:
- return
- a coming to or returning home; "on his return from Australia we gave him a welcoming party"
- the act of going back to a prior location; "they set out on their return to the base camp"
- (American football) the act of running back the ball after a kickoff or punt or interception or fumble
- a tennis stroke that sends the ball back to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"
- a reciprocal group action; "in return we gave them as good as we got"
- the occurrence of a change in direction back in the opposite direction
- the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property; "the average return was about 5%"
- submit (a report, etc.) to someone in authority; "submit a bill to a legislative body"
- make a return; "return a kickback"
- come back to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity
- return to a previous position; in mathematics; "The point returned to the interior of the figure"
- bring back to the point of departure
- return in kind; "return a compliment"; "return her love"
- CRT spot,
- DM display,
- Doppler signal,
- IF signal,
- IM display,
- RF echoes,
- about-face,
- acknowledge,
- acknowledgment,
- action and reaction,
- advent,
- advert,
- afford,
- alternate,
- alternation,
- amends,
- answer,
- answer back,
- answering,
- antiphon,
- arrival,
- atavism,
- atonement,
- automatic reaction,
- autonomic reaction,
- back answer,
- back talk,
- backchat,
- backing,
- backset,
- backslide,
- backsliding,
- backward deviation,
- backward motion,
- backward step,
- bandy,
- be here again,
- be quits with,
- be reflected,
- be sent back,
- beam,
- beat,
- beat signal,
- benefit,
- blips,
- blood money,
- boom,
- boomerang,
- bounce back,
- bounceback,
- bounces,
- bring back,
- bring in,
- capital gains,
- carry back,
- change,
- circle,
- cleanup,
- clear profit,
- cock,
- come again,
- come and go,
- come around,
- come back,
- come back at,
- come home,
- come in,
- come round,
- come round again,
- come up again,
- comeback,
- coming,
- commute,
- compensate,
- compensation,
- consideration,
- convalescence,
- cooperate,
- counter,
- counterblast,
- counterblow,
- counterchange,
- counterstroke,
- cycle,
- cyclicalness,
- damages,
- deliver,
- disenchantment,
- display,
- dividends,
- double,
- double back,
- double-dot display,
- doubling,
- duplication,
- earn,
- earnings,
- echo,
- echo back,
- echo signal,
- evasive reply,
- exchange,
- extradite,
- extradition,
- fall astern,
- fall behind,
- falling back,
- filthy lucre,
- flash back,
- flip-flop,
- gain,
- gains,
- get,
- get back at,
- get behind,
- get even with,
- gettings,
- give,
- give acknowledgment,
- give and take,
- give answer,
- give back,
- give-and-take,
- giving back,
- gleanings,
- go back,
- go backwards,
- go behind,
- go home,
- gross,
- gross profit,
- guerdon,
- hoard,
- homecoming,
- honorarium,
- imitation,
- income,
- indemnification,
- indemnity,
- interchange,
- interest,
- intermit,
- intermittence,
- intermittency,
- jerk back,
- keep coming,
- kickback,
- killing,
- lapse,
- lapse back,
- local oscillator signal,
- logroll,
- lose ground,
- lucre,
- makings,
- meed,
- meter,
- neat profit,
- net,
- net profit,
- offer,
- oscillate,
- oscillation,
- output signal,
- paper profits,
- pay,
- pay back,
- pay off,
- payment,
- pelf,
- pendulum motion,
- percentage,
- periodicalness,
- periodicity,
- perk,
- perks,
- permute,
- perquisite,
- pickings,
- picture,
- pips,
- piston motion,
- place in,
- plagiarism,
- predictable response,
- price,
- proceeds,
- proffer,
- profit,
- profits,
- pull back,
- pulsate,
- pulsation,
- pulse,
- put back,
- quittance,
- quotation,
- radar signal,
- rake-off,
- rally,
- react,
- reaction,
- reactivate,
- reading,
- ready reply,
- reappear,
- reappearance,
- rebirth,
- rebound,
- recede,
- receipt,
- receipts,
- recession,
- recidivate,
- recidivation,
- recidivism,
- reciprocate,
- reciprocation,
- reciprocity,
- reclamation,
- recoil,
- recommit,
- recommitment,
- recompense,
- reconstitute,
- reconversion,
- reconvert,
- recoupment,
- recover,
- recovery,
- recrudescence,
- recruit,
- recuperation,
- recur,
- recurrence,
- recursion,
- reddition,
- redoubling,
- redress,
- reduplication,
- reecho,
- reenact,
- reentrance,
- reentry,
- reestablish,
- refill,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- reflex,
- reflex action,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- reform,
- refund,
- refundment,
- regain,
- regress,
- regression,
- regular wave motion,
- regurgitation,
- rehabilitate,
- rehabilitation,
- reimbursement,
- reincarnation,
- reinstall,
- reinstate,
- reinstatement,
- reinstitute,
- reintegrate,
- reinvest,
- rejoin,
- rejoinder,
- relapse,
- remand,
- remandment,
- remigration,
- remit,
- remitter,
- remuneration,
- render,
- rendition,
- renew,
- renewal,
- reoccur,
- reoccurrence,
- reparation,
- repartee,
- repatriate,
- repatriation,
- repayment,
- repeat,
- repercuss,
- repetition,
- replace,
- replacement,
- replacing,
- replenish,
- replication,
- reply,
- report,
- repost,
- reproduction,
- requital,
- requite,
- requitement,
- rescript,
- rescription,
- resound,
- respond,
- respondence,
- response,
- responsion,
- responsory,
- restitution,
- restoration,
- restore,
- restoring,
- results,
- resume,
- resumption,
- resurface,
- retaliate,
- retaliation,
- retort,
- retribution,
- retroaction,
- retrocede,
- retrocession,
- retroflex,
- retroflexion,
- retrogradation,
- retrograde,
- retrogress,
- retrogression,
- retroversion,
- retrovert,
- retrusion,
- return answer,
- return for answer,
- return signal,
- return the compliment,
- returning,
- returns,
- revenue,
- reverberate,
- reverberation,
- reversal,
- reverse,
- reversion,
- revert,
- reverting,
- revest,
- revolve,
- revulsion,
- reward,
- rhythm,
- riposte,
- rise,
- roll,
- roll around,
- rollback,
- rotate,
- rumble,
- salvage,
- satisfaction,
- say,
- say in reply,
- seasonality,
- send back,
- sending back,
- setback,
- shoot back,
- short answer,
- signal,
- signal display,
- slip back,
- slipping back,
- smart money,
- snappy comeback,
- solatium,
- sound,
- spot,
- sternway,
- store,
- swap,
- switch,
- take,
- take back,
- take-in,
- takings,
- talk back,
- target image,
- throwback,
- trace,
- trade,
- transmitter signal,
- transpose,
- turn,
- turn back,
- turn in,
- turnabout,
- undulate,
- undulation,
- unthinking response,
- video signal,
- wealth,
- wergild,
- wheel,
- wheel around,
- winnings,
- witty reply,
- witty retort,
- yes-and-no answer,
- yield