- Texas fever,
- anthrax,
- aphthous fever,
- baloney,
- bighead,
- bilge,
- black quarter,
- blackleg,
- blackwater,
- blah,
- blah-blah,
- blast,
- blight,
- blind staggers,
- bloody flux,
- bop,
- bosh,
- break down,
- break up,
- broken wind,
- bull,
- bullshit,
- bunk,
- bunkum,
- cancer,
- canker,
- caries,
- carrion,
- cattle plague,
- charbon,
- corrupt,
- corruption,
- crap,
- crumble,
- crumble into dust,
- dandruff,
- debase,
- debauch,
- decay,
- decline,
- decompose,
- decomposition,
- degenerate,
- demoralize,
- deprave,
- descend,
- disimprove,
- disintegrate,
- distemper,
- dry rot,
- excrement,
- fall into decay,
- fall to pieces,
- fester,
- filth,
- flapdoodle,
- foot-and-mouth disease,
- foul matter,
- foulness,
- fungus,
- furfur,
- gangrene,
- gapes,
- gas,
- glanders,
- go bad,
- go to pieces,
- guff,
- gup,
- heaves,
- hog cholera,
- hogwash,
- hokum,
- hooey,
- hoof-and-mouth disease,
- hot air,
- hydrophobia,
- liver rot,
- loco,
- loco disease,
- locoism,
- mad staggers,
- malarkey,
- malignant catarrh,
- malignant catarrhal fever,
- malignant pustule,
- mange,
- megrims,
- mess,
- mildew,
- milzbrand,
- mold,
- molder,
- moonshine,
- mortification,
- mortify,
- moth,
- moth and rust,
- muck,
- mucus,
- must,
- necrose,
- necrosis,
- obscenity,
- ordure,
- paratuberculosis,
- pervert,
- pest,
- piffle,
- pip,
- poppycock,
- pseudotuberculosis,
- pus,
- putrefaction,
- putrefy,
- putresce,
- putrescence,
- putrid matter,
- putridity,
- putridness,
- quarter evil,
- rabies,
- rancidity,
- rancidness,
- rankle,
- rankness,
- retrograde,
- rinderpest,
- rottenness,
- rubbish,
- rust,
- scabies,
- scat,
- scurf,
- scuz,
- sheep rot,
- shit,
- sink,
- slime,
- slough,
- smut,
- snot,
- sordes,
- sphacelate,
- sphacelation,
- sphacelus,
- splenic fever,
- spoil,
- spoilage,
- staggers,
- stain,
- stringhalt,
- suppurate,
- swine dysentery,
- taint,
- tommyrot,
- tooth decay,
- trash,
- tripe,
- turn,
- vitiate,
- warp,
- wind,
- worm,
- worsen