Exact Match:
- roundel
- round piece of armor plate that protects the armpit
- English form of rondeau having three triplets with a refrain after the first and third
- English sonnet,
- Horatian ode,
- Italian sonnet,
- O,
- Petrarchan sonnet,
- Pindaric ode,
- Sapphic ode,
- Shakespearean sonnet,
- alba,
- anacreontic,
- annular muscle,
- annulus,
- areola,
- aureole,
- balada,
- ballad,
- ballade,
- bucolic,
- canso,
- chanson,
- chaplet,
- circle,
- circuit,
- circumference,
- circus,
- clerihew,
- closed circle,
- corona,
- coronet,
- crown,
- cycle,
- diadem,
- dirge,
- discus,
- disk,
- dithyramb,
- eclogue,
- elegy,
- epic,
- epigram,
- epithalamium,
- epode,
- epopee,
- epopoeia,
- epos,
- eternal return,
- fairy ring,
- garland,
- georgic,
- ghazel,
- glory,
- haiku,
- halo,
- idyll,
- jingle,
- lasso,
- limerick,
- logical circle,
- loop,
- looplet,
- lyric,
- madrigal,
- magic circle,
- monody,
- narrative poem,
- noose,
- nursery rhyme,
- ode,
- orbit,
- palinode,
- pastoral,
- pastoral elegy,
- pastorela,
- pastourelle,
- poem,
- prothalamium,
- radius,
- rhyme,
- ring,
- rondeau,
- rondel,
- rondelle,
- round,
- roundelay,
- satire,
- saucer,
- sestina,
- sloka,
- song,
- sonnet,
- sonnet sequence,
- sphincter,
- tanka,
- tenso,
- tenzone,
- threnody,
- triolet,
- troubadour poem,
- verse,
- verselet,
- versicle,
- vicious circle,
- villanelle,
- virelay,
- wheel,
- wreath