Exact Match:
- sacrifice
- (sacrifice) an out that advances the base runners
- the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
- personnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective)
- a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value; "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"
- kill or destroy; "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment"; "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"
- make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals
- endure the loss of; "He gave his life for his children"; "I gave two sons to the war"
- sell at a loss
- abandon,
- abandonment,
- abjuration,
- abjure,
- altruism,
- annihilate,
- appease,
- bane,
- be bereaved of,
- bereave of life,
- bereavement,
- blood,
- bloodletting,
- bloodshed,
- braining,
- burnt offering,
- carry away,
- carry off,
- cease,
- cede,
- cession,
- chloroform,
- close out,
- collection,
- commitment,
- consecrate,
- consecration,
- convert into cash,
- cost,
- cut down,
- cut off,
- cut under,
- damage,
- dead loss,
- dealing death,
- debit,
- dedicate,
- dedication,
- default,
- denial,
- denudation,
- deprivation,
- deprive of life,
- desist,
- despoilment,
- destroy,
- destruction,
- destruction of life,
- detriment,
- devote,
- devotion,
- disgorge,
- disinterest,
- disinterestedness,
- dispatch,
- dispensation,
- dispense with,
- disposal,
- dispose of,
- disposition,
- dispossession,
- divestment,
- do away with,
- do for,
- do to death,
- do without,
- donate,
- drink offering,
- drop,
- dump,
- dumping,
- effect a sale,
- end,
- eschew,
- euthanasia,
- ex voto offering,
- execute,
- execution,
- expense,
- exterminate,
- extermination,
- finish,
- finish off,
- flow of blood,
- forbear,
- forfeit,
- forfeiture,
- forgo,
- forgoing,
- forswear,
- forswearing,
- get along without,
- get rid of,
- getting rid of,
- give,
- give away,
- give up,
- giving up,
- go astray from,
- gore,
- have done with,
- heave offering,
- hecatomb,
- holocaust,
- human sacrifice,
- humility,
- immolate,
- immolate before,
- immolation,
- incense,
- incur loss,
- infanticide,
- injury,
- job,
- kill,
- killing,
- kiss good-bye,
- lapidation,
- launch into eternity,
- lean over backwards,
- let go,
- let slip,
- letting go,
- libation,
- liquidate,
- lose,
- lose out,
- loser,
- losing,
- losing streak,
- loss,
- lynch,
- mactation,
- make a sacrifice,
- make a sale,
- make away with,
- make propitiation,
- make sacrifice to,
- market,
- martyr,
- martyrdom,
- martyrization,
- martyrize,
- merchandise,
- mercy killing,
- mislay,
- misplace,
- miss,
- modesty,
- move,
- oblation,
- offer,
- offer sacrifice,
- offer up,
- offering,
- offertory,
- part with,
- peace offering,
- perdition,
- piacular offering,
- poison,
- poisoning,
- privation,
- propitiate,
- purge,
- put away,
- put down,
- put to death,
- put to sleep,
- quitclaim,
- recant,
- recantation,
- refrain from,
- release,
- relinquish,
- relinquishment,
- remove from life,
- render up,
- renounce,
- renunciation,
- resell,
- resign,
- resignation,
- retail,
- retract,
- retraction,
- riddance,
- ritual killing,
- ritual murder,
- robbery,
- ruin,
- sacramental offering,
- scapegoat,
- self-abasement,
- self-abnegation,
- self-denial,
- self-devotion,
- self-effacement,
- self-forgetfulness,
- self-immolation,
- self-neglect,
- self-neglectfulness,
- self-renouncement,
- self-sacrifice,
- self-subjection,
- selflessness,
- sell,
- sell off,
- sell on consignment,
- sell out,
- sell over,
- sell retail,
- sell short,
- sell up,
- sell wholesale,
- shooting,
- slaughter,
- slay,
- slaying,
- spare,
- spoliation,
- starve,
- stoning,
- stop,
- stripping,
- suffer loss,
- surrender,
- suttee,
- sutteeism,
- swear off,
- swearing off,
- take life,
- take off,
- taking away,
- taking of life,
- thank offering,
- throw up,
- total loss,
- turn into money,
- turn over,
- unacquisitiveness,
- undercut,
- undergo privation,
- undersell,
- unload,
- unpossessiveness,
- unselfishness,
- vacate,
- victimize,
- votive offering,
- waive,
- wander from,
- whole offering,
- wholesale,
- yield,
- yielding