- Christian,
- bourgeoisie,
- burgher,
- champion,
- choice,
- chosen,
- common people,
- common run,
- common sort,
- commonage,
- commonality,
- commonalty,
- commoners,
- commons,
- cream,
- elect,
- elite,
- exemplary citizen,
- faithful,
- fat,
- flower,
- galantuomo,
- gentilhomme,
- gentleman,
- good citizen,
- good man,
- good neighbor,
- good woman,
- honest man,
- honest woman,
- laborers,
- lady,
- linendrapers,
- lower classes,
- lower middle class,
- lower orders,
- lumpen proletariat,
- man of honor,
- middle class,
- middle orders,
- nonesuch,
- nonpareil,
- optimum,
- ordinary people,
- paragon,
- peasantry,
- pick,
- pillar of society,
- plain folks,
- plain people,
- prime,
- prize,
- proletariat,
- queen,
- quintessence,
- rank and file,
- real lady,
- respectable citizen,
- select,
- shopkeepers,
- small tradesmen,
- straight shooter,
- superlative,
- the best,
- the best ever,
- the lower cut,
- the other half,
- the third estate,
- the tops,
- the very best,
- toilers,
- toiling class,
- true Christian,
- true blue,
- truepenny,
- trusty,
- upper middle class,
- vulgus,
- woman of honor,
- working class,
- working people