Exact Match:
- screwball
- a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown
- abnormal,
- alien,
- aliene,
- anomalous,
- balmy,
- bananas,
- barmy,
- bats,
- batty,
- beany,
- bedlamite,
- bonkers,
- borderline case,
- bowl,
- buggy,
- bughouse,
- bugs,
- case,
- cast,
- change of pace,
- change-up,
- character,
- chuck,
- chunk,
- crackbrain,
- crackers,
- crackpot,
- crank,
- crankish,
- cranky,
- crotchety,
- cuckoo,
- curve,
- daffy,
- dement,
- demoniac,
- deviant,
- deviative,
- different,
- ding-a-ling,
- dippy,
- divergent,
- dotty,
- downcurve,
- eccentric,
- energumen,
- erratic,
- exceptional,
- fanatic,
- fastball,
- fey,
- flake,
- flaky,
- fling,
- flip,
- flipped,
- forward pass,
- fou,
- freak,
- freaked-out,
- freakish,
- fruitcakey,
- fruity,
- funny,
- gaga,
- goofy,
- harebrain,
- haywire,
- heave,
- hermit,
- hobo,
- hurl,
- idiocratic,
- idiosyncratic,
- idiot,
- incurve,
- irregular,
- just plain nuts,
- kinky,
- knuckleball,
- kook,
- kooky,
- lateral,
- lateral pass,
- lob,
- lone wolf,
- loner,
- loon,
- loony,
- loopy,
- lunatic,
- madman,
- maggoty,
- maniac,
- maverick,
- meshuggenah,
- natural,
- noncompos,
- nonconformist,
- nut,
- nuts,
- nutty,
- odd,
- odd fellow,
- oddball,
- oddity,
- off the hinges,
- off the track,
- off the wall,
- original,
- outcurve,
- outsider,
- pariah,
- pass,
- peculiar,
- peg,
- phrenetic,
- pitch,
- potty,
- put,
- queer,
- queer duck,
- queer fish,
- queer specimen,
- quirky,
- rara avis,
- raving lunatic,
- recluse,
- round the bend,
- screwballs,
- screwy,
- serve,
- service,
- shot-put,
- shy,
- singular,
- sinker,
- slaphappy,
- slider,
- sling,
- solitary,
- spitball,
- spitter,
- strange,
- strange duck,
- throw,
- toss,
- tramp,
- twisted,
- type,
- unconventional,
- unnatural,
- upcurve,
- wacky,
- weirdo,
- whimsical,
- zealot