Exact Match:
- seal
- any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
- a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
- fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure
- a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
- a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it); "the warrant bore the sheriff's seal"
- the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal; "a coat of seal"
- decide irrevocably; "sealing dooms"
- hunt seals
- close with or as if with a seal; "She sealed the letter with hot wax"
- make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows"
- affix a seal to; "seal the letter"
- John Hancock,
- OK,
- X,
- accept,
- acceptance,
- accredit,
- affirm,
- affirmance,
- affirmation,
- agree on terms,
- amen,
- approbation,
- approval,
- approve,
- aroma,
- assurance,
- assure,
- attest,
- attestation,
- attribute,
- authenticate,
- authentication,
- authorization,
- authorize,
- autograph,
- badge,
- bang,
- banner,
- bar,
- barricade,
- batten,
- batten down,
- bearing,
- beige,
- billhead,
- blaze,
- blaze a trail,
- blemish,
- blotch,
- bolt,
- book stamp,
- bookplate,
- boss,
- brand,
- broad arrow,
- brown,
- brownish,
- brownish-yellow,
- brunet,
- bump,
- burin,
- button,
- button up,
- cachet,
- cap of dignity,
- cap of maintenance,
- cartouche,
- cast,
- casting,
- certification,
- certify,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- character,
- characteristic,
- check,
- check off,
- chocolate,
- choke,
- choke off,
- christcross,
- cicatrize,
- cinnamon,
- cipher,
- clap,
- clinch,
- close,
- close off,
- close up,
- coat of arms,
- cocoa,
- cocoa-brown,
- coffee,
- coffee-brown,
- colophon,
- concavity,
- conclude,
- configuration,
- confirm,
- confirmation,
- constrict,
- contain,
- contract,
- convexity,
- cork,
- coronet,
- corroborate,
- corroboration,
- cosign,
- counterfoil,
- countermark,
- countersign,
- countersignature,
- counterstamp,
- cover,
- crest,
- cross,
- crown,
- cut,
- dactylogram,
- dactylograph,
- dapple,
- dash,
- decide,
- define,
- delimit,
- demarcate,
- dent,
- design,
- determine,
- device,
- diadem,
- die,
- differentia,
- differential,
- dint,
- discolor,
- distinctive feature,
- docket,
- dot,
- drab,
- dun,
- dun-brown,
- dun-drab,
- earmark,
- ecru,
- emblem,
- embossment,
- endorse,
- endorsement,
- engrave,
- engraving tool,
- ensure,
- ermine,
- escutcheon,
- etching ball,
- etching ground,
- etching needle,
- etching point,
- evidence,
- excrescence,
- fasten,
- fawn,
- fawn-colored,
- feature,
- figure,
- fingerprint,
- fix,
- flavor,
- fleck,
- fold,
- fold up,
- footmark,
- footprint,
- footstep,
- form,
- formalize,
- fossil footprint,
- freckle,
- fuscous,
- gash,
- give permission,
- give the go-ahead,
- give the imprimatur,
- give thumbs up,
- go-ahead,
- government mark,
- government stamp,
- graver,
- great seal,
- green light,
- grege,
- guarantee,
- guaranty,
- gust,
- hallmark,
- hand,
- hatch,
- hazel,
- ichnite,
- ichnolite,
- identification,
- idiocrasy,
- idiosyncrasy,
- image,
- impress,
- impression,
- imprimatur,
- imprint,
- indent,
- indentation,
- indention,
- index,
- indicant,
- indicator,
- individualism,
- initial,
- initials,
- insignia,
- intaglio,
- key,
- keynote,
- khaki,
- label,
- last,
- latch,
- letterhead,
- line,
- lineaments,
- lock,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- logo,
- logotype,
- lump,
- lurid,
- make a mark,
- mannerism,
- mark,
- mark of signature,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- marking,
- masthead,
- matrix,
- measure,
- mint,
- mold,
- molding,
- monogram,
- mottle,
- nature,
- needle,
- negative,
- nick,
- nod,
- notarization,
- notarize,
- notch,
- note,
- notice,
- notification,
- nut-brown,
- occlude,
- odor,
- okay,
- olive-brown,
- olive-drab,
- orb,
- pad,
- padlock,
- particularity,
- pass,
- pass on,
- pass upon,
- paw print,
- pawmark,
- peculiarity,
- pencil,
- pepper,
- permission,
- permit,
- picture,
- pimple,
- plate,
- plug up,
- plumb,
- point,
- price tag,
- prick,
- print,
- privy seal,
- property,
- pug,
- pugmark,
- punch,
- punctuate,
- puncture,
- purple,
- purple pall,
- purpose,
- quality,
- quirk,
- ratification,
- ratify,
- regalia,
- registered trademark,
- representation,
- representative,
- resolve,
- riddle,
- robe of state,
- rocker,
- rod,
- rod of empire,
- royal crown,
- rubber stamp,
- running head,
- running title,
- sanction,
- savor,
- say amen to,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scepter,
- score,
- scorper,
- scotch,
- scratch,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- seal-brown,
- seam,
- second,
- secure,
- sepia,
- settle,
- shake hands,
- shape,
- shoe last,
- shut,
- shut off,
- shut the door,
- shut up,
- sigil,
- sign,
- sign and seal,
- sign manual,
- signal,
- signature,
- signet,
- singularity,
- slam,
- smack,
- snap,
- snuff-colored,
- sorrel,
- specialty,
- speck,
- speckle,
- splotch,
- spot,
- squeeze shut,
- stain,
- stamp,
- stamp of approval,
- step,
- sticker,
- stigmatize,
- stop up,
- strangle,
- streak,
- striate,
- strike a bargain,
- stripe,
- stub,
- stud,
- style,
- subscribe to,
- subscription,
- substantiation,
- support,
- sure sign,
- swear and affirm,
- swear to,
- symbol,
- symptom,
- tab,
- tag,
- taint,
- take a resolution,
- tally,
- tan,
- tang,
- taste,
- tattoo,
- taupe,
- tawny,
- telltale sign,
- template,
- the nod,
- thumbmark,
- thumbprint,
- tiara,
- tick,
- tick off,
- ticket,
- title page,
- toast,
- toast-brown,
- token,
- trace,
- trade name,
- trademark,
- trademark name,
- trait,
- trick,
- triple plume,
- umber,
- umber-colored,
- underline,
- underscore,
- undersign,
- uraeus,
- validate,
- validation,
- verification,
- verify,
- vestige,
- visa,
- vise,
- walnut,
- walnut-brown,
- warrant,
- will,
- yellowish-brown,
- zip up,
- zipper