Exact Match:
- sensitivity
- the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
- the ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences; "a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity"; "the sensitiveness of Mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth"
- (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; the faculty of sensation; "sensitivity to pain"
- sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
- susceptibility to a pathogen
- acuteness,
- affectivity,
- agitability,
- allergy,
- anaphylaxis,
- appreciation,
- appreciation of differences,
- appreciativeness,
- artistic judgment,
- awareness,
- censoriousness,
- choosiness,
- combustibility,
- compassion,
- concern,
- connoisseurship,
- conscientiousness,
- consciousness,
- considerateness,
- critical niceness,
- criticalness,
- delicacy,
- discriminating taste,
- discriminatingness,
- discrimination,
- discriminativeness,
- edginess,
- emotional instability,
- emotionalism,
- empathy,
- eruptiveness,
- excitability,
- excitableness,
- explosiveness,
- exquisiteness,
- fastidiousness,
- feel,
- feeling,
- fine palate,
- fineness,
- finesse,
- hyperesthesia,
- hyperpathia,
- hypersensitiveness,
- hypersensitivity,
- identification,
- impressionability,
- inflammability,
- intuition,
- irascibility,
- irritability,
- judiciousness,
- kindliness,
- latent violence,
- making distinctions,
- meticulousness,
- nervousness,
- niceness of distinction,
- nicety,
- oversensibility,
- oversensitiveness,
- oversensitivity,
- overtenderness,
- palate,
- particularity,
- particularness,
- passibility,
- perception,
- perceptiveness,
- perceptivity,
- perfectionism,
- perturbability,
- photophobia,
- preciseness,
- precisianism,
- precision,
- prickliness,
- priggishness,
- prudishness,
- punctilio,
- punctiliousness,
- purism,
- puritanism,
- receptiveness,
- receptivity,
- refined discrimination,
- refined palate,
- refinement,
- responsiveness,
- scrupulosity,
- scrupulousness,
- selectiveness,
- selectivity,
- sense,
- sensibility,
- sensitiveness,
- sensitivity,
- sensitization,
- skittishness,
- soreness,
- startlishness,
- strictness,
- subtlety,
- supersensitivity,
- susceptibility,
- susceptivity,
- sympathy,
- tact,
- tactfulness,
- taste,
- temperamentalness,
- tempestuousness,
- tenderness,
- tetchiness,
- thin skin,
- ticklishness,
- touchiness,
- understanding,
- violence,
- warmth