Exact Match:
- separate
- a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments
- separated according to race, sex, class, or religion; "separate but equal"; "girls and boys in separate classes"
- independent; not united or joint; "a problem consisting of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church"
- divide into components or constituents; "Separate the wheat from the chaff"
- force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
- come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
- go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
- make a division or separation
- discontinue an association or relation; go different ways; "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and I split up"
- act as a barrier between; stand between; "The mountain range divides the two countries"
- aberrate,
- abrupt,
- aggravate,
- agree to differ,
- agree to disagree,
- alien,
- alienate,
- alienated,
- alone,
- aloof,
- analyze,
- anatomize,
- apart,
- assay,
- assort,
- assorted,
- asunder,
- at odds,
- at variance,
- atomize,
- autarchic,
- autarkic,
- autonomous,
- be at variance,
- be in dissent,
- beg to differ,
- bifurcate,
- bipartite,
- bolt,
- bound,
- branch,
- break down,
- break up,
- break with,
- broach,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- categorize,
- change,
- chink,
- chop logic,
- circumscribe,
- clarify,
- classify,
- clear,
- cleave,
- cloistered,
- close off,
- codify,
- collate,
- comb,
- come apart,
- come between,
- companionless,
- compartment,
- contradistinguish,
- contrary,
- contrasted,
- contrasting,
- cordon,
- cordon off,
- crack,
- crevasse,
- cull out,
- cut,
- cut adrift,
- cut off,
- cut open,
- cut out,
- deactivate,
- debrief,
- decrassify,
- delete,
- demarcate,
- demark,
- demob,
- demobilize,
- depart,
- departing,
- deploy,
- depurate,
- desynonymize,
- detach,
- detached,
- deviating,
- deviative,
- dichotomize,
- dichotomous,
- differ,
- difference,
- different,
- differentiate,
- differentiated,
- differing,
- disaccordant,
- disaffect,
- disagree,
- disagree with,
- disagreeing,
- disarticulate,
- disassemble,
- disband,
- discharge,
- disconnect,
- disconnected,
- discontinue,
- discontinuous,
- discord with,
- discordant,
- discrepant,
- discrete,
- discriminate,
- discriminated,
- disengage,
- disengaged,
- disentangle,
- disequalize,
- disintegrate,
- disjoin,
- disjoined,
- disjoint,
- disjunct,
- dismiss,
- disorganize,
- disparate,
- dispart,
- dispel,
- disperse,
- disrelated,
- dissect,
- dissent,
- dissent from,
- dissever,
- dissimilar,
- dissociate,
- dissociated,
- dissolve,
- dissonant,
- distill,
- distinct,
- distinctive,
- distinguish,
- distinguished,
- disunify,
- disunite,
- divaricate,
- diverge,
- divergent,
- diverging,
- divers,
- diverse,
- diversified,
- diversify,
- divide,
- divide on,
- divide up,
- divided,
- divorce,
- draw the line,
- drop out,
- edulcorate,
- eject,
- elute,
- enclose,
- enisle,
- essentialize,
- estrange,
- exotic,
- expel,
- extract,
- extraneous,
- fall out,
- fan out,
- fan the flame,
- fence off,
- filter,
- filtrate,
- fissure,
- fly open,
- foreign,
- fork,
- free,
- friendless,
- ghettoize,
- gin,
- go away,
- go off,
- go separate ways,
- gradate,
- grade,
- grant a divorce,
- grant an annulment,
- group,
- halve,
- have a falling-out,
- heterogeneous,
- homeless,
- in a backwater,
- in disagreement,
- in two,
- inaccordant,
- incise,
- incoherent,
- incommensurable,
- incomparable,
- incompatible,
- incongruous,
- inconsistent,
- inconsonant,
- independent,
- individual,
- individualize,
- individuate,
- inharmonious,
- insular,
- insulate,
- interspace,
- interval,
- irreconcilable,
- irrelative,
- irritate,
- island,
- isolate,
- isolated,
- keep apart,
- keep aside,
- kithless,
- lay aside,
- lay open,
- leach,
- leave,
- let go,
- light the fuse,
- limit,
- lixiviate,
- lone,
- lonely,
- lonesome,
- make a distinction,
- make a space,
- make trouble,
- many,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- mark the interface,
- modify,
- motley,
- multifarious,
- muster out,
- noncohesive,
- not agree,
- obtain a divorce,
- one,
- only,
- ope,
- open,
- open up,
- oppose,
- organize,
- other,
- out-of-the-way,
- out-of-the-world,
- outlandish,
- outspread,
- panel,
- part,
- part company,
- particular,
- particularize,
- partition,
- partitioned,
- peculiar,
- percolate,
- personalize,
- pick out,
- pit against,
- poles apart,
- poles asunder,
- provoke,
- pull away,
- pull back,
- pull out,
- purify,
- put aside,
- put asunder,
- put away,
- quarantine,
- quarantined,
- quarter,
- rank,
- rectify,
- reduce,
- reduce to elements,
- refine,
- refine a distinction,
- release,
- remote,
- remove,
- removed,
- rent,
- resolve,
- retired,
- riddle,
- rift,
- rip,
- rive,
- rope off,
- rupture,
- scatter,
- screen,
- screen out,
- seal off,
- secede,
- seclude,
- secluded,
- segment,
- segregate,
- segregated,
- select,
- separated,
- sequester,
- sequestered,
- set a limit,
- set against,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set at intervals,
- set at odds,
- set at variance,
- set off,
- set on,
- sever,
- several,
- severalize,
- shut off,
- sic on,
- sieve,
- sieve out,
- sift,
- sift out,
- single out,
- single-handed,
- size,
- slit,
- sole,
- solitary,
- solo,
- sort,
- sort out,
- sovereign,
- sow dissension,
- space,
- space out,
- specialize,
- spiritualize,
- splay,
- split,
- split hairs,
- split up,
- spread,
- spread out,
- spring open,
- stand aloof,
- stand apart,
- stand aside,
- step aside,
- stir up trouble,
- strain,
- strange,
- subdivide,
- sublimate,
- sublime,
- subordinate,
- subtilize,
- subtract,
- sue for divorce,
- sunder,
- surround,
- swing open,
- take exception,
- take issue,
- tap,
- tear,
- tear open,
- thrash,
- thresh,
- throw off,
- throw open,
- throw out,
- try,
- type,
- unabetted,
- unaccompanied,
- unaffiliated,
- unaided,
- unallied,
- unassisted,
- unassociated,
- unattached,
- unattended,
- unconformable,
- unconnected,
- uncouple,
- unequal,
- unescorted,
- unfrequented,
- unhook,
- unique,
- unjoined,
- unlike,
- unmarry,
- unravel,
- unrelatable,
- unrelated,
- unseconded,
- unsupported,
- untie the knot,
- unvisited,
- unyoke,
- variant,
- varied,
- variegated,
- various,
- vary,
- varying,
- wall off,
- widely apart,
- winnow,
- withdraw,
- withdrawn,
- withhold assent,
- worlds apart